Chapter 15

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You knew you had to talk with Jacob about the things the prostitute had told you and the fact that you were at the spot he was meeting with a bloody Templar, but you helped him into his wagon and he fell asleep immediately. Not long after you sat down in your own wagon to read to get your mind off of the things that happened, you heard the sound of someone landing on your roof. Evie had been out for the day gathering new information and she must have something with her, or else she would have been home already. A few moments after she was standing in your wagon and waiting for you to tell her about Jacobs's whereabouts. She didn't disturb you as she knew that when you were reading, it was because there was something else you wanted to forget for a short moment. But you weren't really reading anymore. You just pretended to continue reading as you were trying to figure out what to say to her. Because you didn't even know what Jacob was actually doing meeting up with a Templar? It could mean nothing but it could also mean that he was a thread to the creed. She sat down in your armchair on the other side of the wagon and waited which was kind of a provocation so you finally sighed and closed your book. You pushed your chair out and turned to see her raise her eyebrows.

"Well?" She asked and leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees.

"What?" You asked stupidly and Evie actually rolled her eyes. What was wrong with her? She was so provocative.

"My brother is lying in his bed with burn marks all over his face and hands. You didn't stop the bleeding on his arm." She explained.

"Oh... I didn't? I guess I was thinking about something else then. I'm sorry." You said and shook you head in disbelief. Did you really not thing about that at all?

"y/n, what happened? It doesn't seem like you?"

"I don't know what to say. I don't know much myself. I just helped him out of a situation." You said and started to pace the room. It only made Evie look even more concern.

"What situation exactly?"

"Evie... He was meeting up with a Templar. I don't know why and how he was in contact with him. I was trying to listen in on them, but suddenly something went wrong and there were a lot of children involved... There were... Lots of explosions and fire. Jacob barely made it out alive while saving all the children." You stopped pacing and looked at Evie. She didn't look at you as she was thinking but nodded at what you just said.

"Okay... Okay it seems like there are a lot to explain, but we don't know anything until he wakes up again and I don't think that will be very soon. Get some rest y/n. We'll talk with him tomorrow." Evie said and stood up and was about to leave.

"Evie? Can I be the one talking to him? Alone. There are a few things that need to be sorted out and I was the one who found him today." Evie looked at you for a moment and it looked like she was about to smile. The corner of her mouth was tingling but she kept a straight face anyway.

"Of course. Good night." Was all she said and left you alone with your thoughts.


It was impossible to sleep after what had happened. If you just had stayed behind when he met up with the Templar in the theatre you could have gathered some information. All you really wanted to do was to make up with him. The second you saw Jacob in the burning building you wanted to run to him and apologies to him, after what the prostitute told you. But if he really was working with the Templars you could not possible accept him. If he had given away information, you were actually obligated to silence him. Just the thought of it made you want to barf. You don't remember falling asleep when you heard a large bump on your door. You looked around your wagon and realised that the sun must have risen long ago. You had been sleeping like a drunken man after the eventful night. The bump outside must have been Evie been worried about you not showing up in her wagon as you used to. You were still wearing your clothes from the night before, so you went straight from the bed and unlocked the heavy door.

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