Chapter 3

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"Thank you for the help, Mr Frye." You told Jacob as he was sat on the floor, all out of breath. He was a skilled assassin who was able to jump and climb everywhere he wanted with no problems but catching the train more than once with all of your belongings, was kind of a challenge for him.

"It was no big deal. They were not too heavy." He said trying to get up by himself but you reached out for his arm and pulled him up.

"I can get up myself, missy. But thank you very much." He said patronizing and adjusted his hat on his head. You were about to say something back at him but Mr Green walked into the last wagon on the train with a letter in his hand.

"Ah I see Y/N's gear is here. Then Jacob can take you with him to meet up with Mr Darwin. It sounds like he found the factory that produces the syrup that makes people sick." Mr Green handed you the letter instead if Jacob, which only made him huff very unpleased. You read through the letter really quick and handed it over to Jacob.

"Mr Darwin? As in the Charles Darwin? The naturalist? I have read so much about him! I have a copy of his book somewhere in my belongings actually." You said excited and opened one of your suitcases to find your assassin gear. You didn't want to be the one running around on the rooftops in a dress again.

"I have no idea who he is? Is he famous?" Jacob said, but Mr Green ignored him.

"Then it's settled. Hurry up. He will try and get into the factory around noon. He will need your help." Mr Green said and walked out of the wagon again. You looked intense at Jacob who was just looked back at you with a stupid face.


"Would you get out? I'm going to change clothes?" You said starting to untie your corsage on the back.

"If you are going to drop your clothes, I would rather stay, Love." He said smirking at you. You stopped dead in your pace and looked at him with serious eyes.

"How would you like it if I threw you of the train while we cross the Thames?" You said trying to sound polite while threatening him. He raised an eyebrow at you before strolling out very slowly. That guy was unbelievable.

As soon the train passed the platforms at Waterloo station you jumped off with Jacob right behind you. You felt much freer in your assassins gear. Women were not meant to wear trousers but it made it so much easier to move around. To make sure that no one saw your face and recognized you as the actress you had become, you were always wearing your hood. It also kept all the judgmental stared from people out, now that you were not wearing a dress and corsage as every other woman.
With the newly attached gripping hook in your glove you jump up the nearest building faster than you had ever done it before. It felt so amazing that you stood still for a moment and admired the technological work on your wrist. You jumped from roof to roof in Southwark until the factory building was right in front of you. You saw the bearded man whose picture so often had been drawn in the newspapers all over England. Charles Darwin was standing on a box trying to look inside of the building.

"There he is." Jacob said and was about to set off off the roof but you caught the sleeve of his jacket before he did so, as a large group of Blighters was coming your way. They were speaking rather loud, so Darwin was warned in time to actually hide behind some big boxes, before they arrived in front of the building.

"What do you suggest we do now, Missy?" Jacob said cocky. He had his gun in his hand already and was ready to fight them off. You searched the area with you eagle vision to find some possibilities and found some hanging barrels. Without saying a word to Jacob you found a throwing knife and threw it at the cords that were holding the barrels in the air. With a big crash the barrels hit three of the Blighters and knocked them to the ground. The scene only made the rest of them look away from you. Jacob looked rather impressed before he did as you and hit a few of them with a knife to the back of their head. You looked satisfied down at your work and started to jump down the side of the building.

"Sometimes the best thing you could is to be discreet. If you had fired that gun you might have killed one, but the rest of them would be on our back in no time." You said as you landed on the ground at the same time as Jacob.

"You sound just like my sister." He said rolling his eyes and you two walked up to the huge wooden door that was sealed with a big iron chain. Jacob started examining the chain and you saw Darwin jump out from his hiding and walked up to you but as we reached you, Jacob drew his hidden blade at the old man. You widened your eyes but the elderly man didn't look frighten at all.

"You should not go about freighting respectable gentlemen, young man!" Darwin lectured him.

"I didn't realize that snooping around was considered gentlemanly." Jacob said glaring at the old man and drew his blade back. Darwin was about to say something back but you saw a group of red dressed Blighters out of the corner of your eye and if Darwin kept talking like that, you would catch their attention.

"Jacob, get that lock up!" You hissed and pointed at the Blighters. In no time Jacob got the chain off the door and you pooled Darwin inside the factory. Darwin wasted no time and started to mumble about some devilish ingredients that were written down on papers lying around different tables and how they made people sick. He took a few of the papers with him and hided them in the inner pocket of his jacket. You looked around the building, using you vision, and noticed that there were quite a few people in there on the other floors. It made you a bit nervous that Darwin was talking so loudly. He stopped in front of a huge machine that was placed in the middle of the room. He started to screw on a huge valve which made the machine started splutter and a green fog started to come out from all sides of it. The smell of it made you ill immediately and you held up your sleeve in front of your mouth and nose.

"We have to get out of here, quickly!" You said to the others.

"Find a way out of here!" Jacob said to us and you all started to run to the door.

"What about the other valves?" Darwin said to you. You looked questioning at Jacob but it looked like he already made up his mind.

"Take a wild guess. Y/N, you get him out of here safely." Jacob said smirking at you before running of into the green fog. You shook your head before letting you and Darwin outside and made sure to keep out of the Blighters sight. You ran across the street to wait for Jacob behind some huge boxes. Minutes passed as you were sat there in silent while the naturalist was reading the papers he found out loud until a huge crash sounded from the building. Both of you looked up in shock. People started to yell and scream inside and you actually started to worry about Jacob. The green gas that have been standing out from between the planks of the building was taking over be flames. As another huge bang sounded from the building you saw someone in the top of the building smashing through a window so glass flew everywhere around him and he landed gracefully on the top of the building next to the factory. That must have been Jacob. The screaming soon died out but no one came running out. That indicated that everyone inside the factory must either be dead from the poison gas or the flaming explosion. You had never seen anything like this before in your time as an assassin. You didn't know if you should be impressed or be angry at Jacob. He certainly did the job and got rid of the poison chemicals as Darwin wanted, but did he really have to blow up the whole building?

Soon Jacob jumped down the neighbour building and looked around for the two of you. Darwin walked up to him and started to explain what the papers he took was all about. The same he had done to you the moment before. It sounded like the next thing that you had to check out. You looked Jacob up and down and noticed that he was unusually calm. Did he blow things up so often, that it didn't affect him at all?

"Not every problem can be solved by blowing things sky high. Sometimes a little discretion is in order." Darwin yet again lectured Jacob and then he went off. Jacob stood there laughing a bit to himself before he looked at you.

"That went surprisingly well." He told you and smiled.

"You blew up a whole factory!" You reminded him a bit loudly and threw your arms in the air of frustration.

"But I destroyed all the chemicals that harmed a lot of people." He pointed out. You could not argue with that so you just laughed it off.

"Okay! Well done then Jacob... Ermh, It was an honor to see you in action, but please do not blow more buildings up while we are working together." Jacob came up to you and placed a hand on the small of your back which took you aback, but he started to lead you to the train station yet again. He was only being a gentleman.

"I will save a few explosions for Evie then. She will love it." Jacob said and winked at you.

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