Chapter 4

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"Cut! Cuuut! That was lovely! Just eminent!" The producer yelled out in excitement. You were in the theatre to practice your role as Hetty Preene in the melodrama The Light o' London. It was not practically the best role you had ever had but it was an interesting character. Hetty was a snob, a rich man's daughter who had to wear the most beautiful dresses you had ever seen. You didn't own such dresses yourself, so it was quite an honour. Throughout the whole play you had to change between four different dresses full of lace and patterns in colours you would not have thought of yourself. You had to remind yourself to get some more colourful dresses at some point. London had to be full of them.

All the actors gathered in the middle of the stage. The ladies were all whispering and laughing while the gentlemen were talking cheerfully. You joined the ladies but noticed that a few of them kept pointing towards the back of the bottom tribune.

"What is it Mary?" You asked one of your co actresses who glared into the shadows.

"I swear I saw something move over there." She said and the others stopped whispering and they all started to look into the shadows. You walk out to the edge of the stage and used your sharp sight to see that there indeed was someone sitting in the very back with his arms behind his head, but it was too dark to see who he was. It was quite mysteries and you started to get a little nervous giving your side job was a little out of the ordinary. Could someone be after you? You had not really done anything in London yet.

"What is going on?" Your male colleague Wilson asked, as he came up behind you. He was a quite good looking man who was all shaved and well build. He was a born actor and made all the women giddy. You had to admit that it was nice to have him that close.

"I'm sure it's nothing." You said but were soon interrupted by Mary again.

"There is sitting someone in the shadows back there!" She points at where the man was sitting. Wilson immediately jumped down from the stage and you watched him walk down the rows to see who it was. As he was nearing the dark area the man in the shadows stood up and walked out in the light. Jacob was smirking at the situation and adjusted his hat on his head. That idiot! You were worried for nothing.

"Who are you? You are making my female colleagues very nervous." Wilson said and allowed Jacob to come to him. Jacob looked up at you and raised his eyebrow.

"If you want to know who I am, you could ask Miss L/N up there. Anyway, shouldn't an actress be used to being looked at. She is on the stage after all?" All the others started to glare at you. You could not believe that Jacob actually broke into the theatre that you work at. The assassin's knew your way and you didn't want your two lives to collide. He should stay away from everything that was about the theatre. He actually got the guts to come in and be rude to your colleagues. What a prick.

"I don't know this man. He must be a stalker of some sort." You spoke and backed away a bit so that you seemed afraid of him. Now it was Jacobs turn to look a little shocked. What did he really expect of you?

"I will ask you to leave, sir." Wilson said and walked towards Jacob. You feared for Wilson in that moment because you knew what Jacob was trained to do. You could not let him harm any of your colleagues at the theatre.

"Wilson, do not go near him. He could be dangerous!" You yelled out and Wilson stopped in front of Jacob. Your comment only made Jacob smirk again. It was like that smirk was his way to keep his dignity, because you did not dictate what he should do or not.

"You know me too well Y/N." Jacob called out and was about to walk to the stage but Wilson finally laid his hand on Jacob's chest to stop him. It only made him glare at Wilson's hand before he laughed to himself.

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