Chapter 6

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A/N: Leslie

Cecilia p.o.v.

I wake up. I grab my school uniform and put it on. I brush my hair and do what I usually do on school days. I go to the bathroom and put some makeup on. (Refer to chapter 1).

I leave the bathroom. Is Grey not awake? I sigh. I look at his door. I stop. Gosh. I'm in such the habit of taking care of him.

I start walking to school. Checking my phone. I have text from Jack. He's apoligizing for what happened the other day. I decide to ignore it.

I continue walking. Then I realize. This is the route to Grey's school. Luckily, I woke up a little early so I have time to walk. I start walking to my school.

I get to the school. just in time. I see Jack waiting. He goes here. Since when?

"CECE!" I hear Ace yell. "JACK!"

I turn and see Ace walking with Leslie. This is annoying. I start getting a headache. I don't want this. Stay away from me.

I turn and walk away. I start walking when I feel I'm being watched. I turn around and look around. There's no one around. Just students scattered about. Who's watching me? The feeling remains.

"Cece?" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn and see the one and only bitch Brittany. "You seem like something is bothering you."

"No, nothing, Just looking around." I say. I continue looking around.

"Hm? Interesting."

She walks up and pushes me to the ground. She stands above me. "Scream for help. I bet no one will come. Because you're so selfish and rude, you pushed everyone away. And who would want to help an attention whore."

She bends down and grabs my shirt collar and pulls me up. She punches my face and I fall. She leans down in front of me. I feel my lip and it's bleeding.

"What are you gonna do slut? Cry? Call for help. Tell someone. Who will believe you?"

She stands up, she kicks my side. She kneels down and grabs my shirt collar bringing my face to hers

"Listen here bitch. You're nothing, but a pathetic piece of shit. Even your brother knew that and thats why he left."

I hold my back my tears and my temptation to punch her.

"That's why everyone leaves you. You're nothing and you don't belong in this school, in this state... In this world. No one likes your ugly ass. Not even your own family. And you know what they say." she goes to my ear and whispers "Blood is thicker then water."

She let's go. She stands up and walks away. I feel my eyes water. I get up. I feel my lip and it's bleeding. I look at my outfit. I sigh.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I grab a paper towel and get it wet. I push the paper towel on my lip and it hurts.

I hear someone enter the bathroom.

"Cece?" I hear Leslie say.

I look over. She walks over to me.

"It was Brittany again?" She ask.

I stay quiet.

"I'm sorry for bullying you. I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to make it up."

I stay quiet.

"Here." she grabs the paper towel and lightly dabs my lip. I wince in pain and she cleans up some of the blood. "Cece?"

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