Chapter 18

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A/N: Sleepless Nights by Memphis May Fire. I also realized I made a mistake with ages. Gabe is supposed to be a Teen Mom and I made Aria 9. So Im gonna change it to where Aria is 3 and Gabe is 16.

Cecilia p.o.v.

When I got home. With Grey of course. We ate. It was a silent dinner.

I had to work.

Jack and I got in another fight when I got home from work.

I was walking and I saw him waiting outside.

"What do you want Jack?" I mumble. Going to the door to go inside.

"You left Grey home alone till 10:00 at night."

"I do it all the time. He's fine isn't he. The door was locked and he can always call me." I put the key into the door.

"He could've been hurt." He says.

"You're telling me how to raise my little brother. I'm sorry I don't see you having to work to take care of your younger siblings. Do you know how hard it is? And for your information. I didn't want to leave him home alone."

"Why didn't you call someone to babysit?"

"If you don't remember..." I pause. The next words I say are gonna hurt me too. "If you don't remember. I kind of hate you."

"Cece... You don't... Do you?" I can hesr hurt in his voice.

"Chelsie was busy. I definitely wasn't going to call my mom or your dad. Ace was also busy. Leslie was with Ace. I don't trust Alaia and she had to work also." I unlock the door. I look at Jack.


"Why does it even matter if we're friends? You have Alaia. She's a better friend then me anyway."

"Cece, wait did you walk home by yourself?"


"What if you got hurt? What if someone tried to hurt you? You could've gotten seriously hurt. Cece... Why do you put yourself in danger?"

"Because that's how it has been my whole life! I never had someone to walk home with me. Or someone to say 'hey, I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt. You shouldn't walk home alone.' or 'You shouldn't work so late.' I don't have that. I never have. So why does it even matter!?"

"Because I care about you Cece! I love you. I love you more then a friend. I love you like I want to date you and I don't know what I would do if you died."

I stand there shocked. I look at Jack as he stares at me with a serious expression.

He grabs my shoulders. "Cece. Please don't hate me. I can't handle that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said what I did. Please... Understand." He says.

"Goodbye Jack. See you at school." I say.

I go inside my house. I shut the door and lean against it. I sigh. I sit in front of the door. I reach up and lock the door.

He loves me? He wouldn't know what to do if I died. Wouldn't he just go date Alaia? Why do I hate the being together so much? Even though I'm angry at Jack... I don't like them together. I don't understand myself anymore.

"Sister." I hear Grey say.

"Grey? Why aren't you in bed?" I get up. I start taking my shoes off.

"I wanted to..." he yawns "I want you to put me to bed."

I go to him. "I will. Come on."

We walk to his room. He lays down in bed. I sit beside him in the bed. He soon goes to sleep. I plug in his night light. I cover him up.

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