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When we get to the gate, the pain in my side had increased, and all I wanted to do was sit down. I hear someone shouting from behind and we all look to see what was going on.
"What is the meaning of this??" Sven, one of the Elite Arrowmen shouts catching up to Lotus. "You let her go this instance. I will have every one of my men shoot your eyes out." He glares at Lotus, but before anything could happen I step in.
"Stop. There's no point. I am no longer accepted in the group. I was never even a real part of it. I will just go." I say.
He looks surprised by what I have said, but he wasn't persistent. He nods. "Well then, if you're going out there alone, take this. You'll need it to catch food." He pulls his bow over his head, and his arrows handing it to me.
"I've never used one before." I say taking them out of respect.
"Just practice on small targets and you will get better." He steps back, glaring at Lotus once more.
"Thank you, Sven." I say then turn away stepping through the large gates.
Shortly they shut behind me and emptiness fills my chest as I stare at the walls. After a few moments I turn away and start heading toward the woods. My heart fills with anger, sadness, rejection.
The woods were quite dark, and my vision was still adjusting to the darkness. I continue to walk, for what felt like a couple hours on my own. I have no idea where I am going. The forest around me fills with many different sounds of the night. The crickets chirping, an owl hooting, a wolfs howl in the distance. Normally I would be amazed by all the sounds of the night, but not now.
I hear a twig crack behind me and turn around grabbing the hilt to my sword. I expect Lotus has sent men to come after and kill me. But he should know better than that. I'm the distance I can see the silhouette of a man riding a horse.
"Why on earth would they come after me on a horse? Is Lotus really that stupid?" I whisper to myself and unsheath my sword and the horse drew near.
"Woah now! I bring you a horse, and this is how you thank me?" Rune speaks.
I lay my guard down a bit, sheathing my sword once more. "What the hell are you doing?" I ask walking toward him. His hood is up, so it is hard to see his face.
"I stole a horse. I know he's not yours, but I couldn't get to yours with out Lotus seeing me." He hops off the large brown and white horse, leading him toward me.
"You stole a horse." I repeat, my mind racing. "You're crazy!"
"Oh, also," He pulls a bag off his back. "I thought you might need this." He holds out my bag that I left in the village.
I look at the bag, and then him for a moment, then finally taking the bag. I have no idea what to say to him.
"A thank you would be nice." He teases me handing me the reigns to the horse.
I roll my eyes. "What are you doing? Why did you do this? You could have been killed."
"I know this. But I'm an assassin, so even if I was caught, I wouldn't have been killed. Lotus passed out shortly after you left, and so did most of his men. I knew you needed a horse to travel on, I wasn't going to let you travel on your own feet. I also am not staying in the town with those crazy men. So I decided to get the horse to you, and join you. I have an idea of where to-"
"You're not coming with me." I say and hand the reigns back to him. "Thanks, but I don't need the horse. I am fine walking on my own feet. But I do appreciate you bringing my bag to me."
He chuckles. "Ah, but you see, I know how to hunt, and I hunt well. You don't even know how to use a bow. That tells me right there no one taught you how to hunt. You'll need food."
"I'll be fine. I can learn how to use it."
"Alright. So use it right now. Point it at something and try it out." He tests me.
I glare at him for a moment, then sigh. "Fine. You wanted to see, so you'll be my target!" I lift the bow off from around me, and pull out an arrow, placing it on the bow and point it at Rune. He bursts out in laughter.
I stand there glaring at him. "Darling, you have it all wrong. The bow is backwards. Unless you want the arrow just drop, you're not having much success." He walks up to me taking the bow and flipping it in my hands. "You pull this right here, with the arrow between these fingers." He moved my hand and fingers so it was aligned right, his hands warm against my chilled skin. He then straightens my arm out, turns my body, fixes my arm and then turns my head to the side to I am facing where the arrow is pointing. He then takes my other arm, while standing behind me, pulling the arm back stretching the string on the bow. The arrow comes off the bow, as it turns in between my fingers. He chuckles again.
"Keep a good grip of the arrow. Don't let it be flimsy." He says in my ear, then reaches over placing it back on the bow. Apparently my elbow went down, because he lifted it back up. "Keep your posture straight." He speaks in my ear again. I feel him kick my foot out to the side, "keep your legs shoulder length apart."
I can still feel his chest against my back, and my heart beat starts to increase. I have never had a man help me this close to my body, and I am not sure how I feel about it.
"Breathe in slowly, and then breath out slowly. When all your breath is out release the arrow by your fingers. Do not move your arm." He says, then steps back.
I am relieved that he didn't hear my heart beat. I do as he says, and release the arrow. It flies out, and it's a tree not too far from us. I bring the bow down and then look at him. There is a grin on his face, from what I could see.
"Well now that I know how to use it, you can take your leave." I say and start to walk toward the arrow to retrieve it.
I hear him follow me and when I get to the tree, I stop and turn around to face him. He slowly takes off his hood, revealing his masculine features. His eyes still noticeable green in the dark. I was about to speak but he lifts his hand up, raising it close to my head. I start to back up, but am stopped by the tree. What is he doing? He steps closer to me, looking into my eyes. His hand rests on the tree next to my head, and he brings his other hand up to my chin, touching the bottom of it with his finger and thumb.
"You will die if you are go by yourself. And frankly, I can't let that happen. Not after tonight." He yanks his hand away from my head, letting go of my chin in the same motion. He holds the arrow in his hand, examining it, then looks up at the hole. "It's sloppy, but not bad for a beginner. Not deep enough either. Won't be strong enough to kill a deer. Maybe a rabbit."
He hands me the arrow. "You'll definitely need more practice, that's for sure."
I glare at him again and step toward him. "Listen here. I did not ask for your help. I didn't ask for the horse, nor did I ask for anything you brought. I could have learned how to use this by myself, with out any of your help. Now you can leave on your own, or I will make sure you do leave." I am inches away from him.
He quickly places his hand on the back of my head and brings his head close to me, and places his lips upon mine.
A sensation flows through my body for a second, but I then quickly pull away from him, and slap him across the face, the slap stinging my hand. He turns his face with my slap, but smiles.
"I really am just going to have to get the moon for you." He turns to face me again.
"Don't do that again." I stomp past him, brushing my shoulder against his arm, as I walk toward the horse.
"Couldn't handle the sensation, I guess." I hear him mumble under his breath and I roll my eyes.
When I reach the horse I take the reigns once more and turn around to see him close behind me. How does he do that? He's as silent as a mouse. I place the reigns in his hands.
"I'm heading out. I need to get going, and you're holding me back." I say and start walking in the same direction I was once going before he showed up, placing the arrow in the holster on my back.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now