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When father and I walk back into the ball room, there has already been a commotion going on. King Sebastian approaches my father right away.
"What is the meaning of this? Why is my sons lip bleeding?" The king gives me a look of accusation.
Before I am even able to speak, my father steps in front of me, almost in a protective manner.
"Your dog of a son tried to rape my daughter!!"
The entire room goes quiet, even the musicians quit playing mid-song. I see mother stand up from her chair. The other kings mouth gapes open. It's obvious, he doesn't know what to say.
"The little wench bit me when I kissed her!" The prince breaks the silence. I hear many people gasping. I am not sure if they are gasping because he called a princess a wench, or if it is because they can't believe a princess would do such a thing.
"Then explain why I saw you on top of her, holding her down from a struggle when I walked out onto the balcony!" Father walks up to the prince, who is still holding a rag to his mouth. I notice, there is not even any blood on the rag.
More people gasp.
"Is this true?" King Sebastian looks at his son, who won't look back at him. Julian just glares into my father's eyes.
"Look at me when I speak to you!!" The kings voice booms through the room, causing some people to flinch. His son finally looks at him, a glare still plastered on his face.
"Father, I jus-"
"How many other women have you raped?" The king asks in frustration.
"No one! They all wanted me!" Julian snapped, then shortly realizing his mistake, flinches himself when his father smacks him upside the back of his head.
"You have slept with women out of wedlock!?"
I remember my other telling me how some kingdoms allow concubines, and multiple wives, while other kingdoms forbid all of that.
The king turns to my father. "My deepest apologies, your Grace. We will be leaving tonight, and I will be teaching my boy a lesson. He will never be meeting your daughter again, for he does not deserve someone as graceful, and beautiful."
"All is right, thank you for the apology. We will remain on good terms, but know this Julian, if you ever become a king, know that our kingdoms will never have ties with one another. As for your father, everything is well between us."
The king nods. "I will be sending many goats, cows and bulls your way once I return to my kingdom. A token as my apology for my son's behaviors."
Father nods to him. "Farewell."
They say their goodbyes, and as they leave I hear the king speak to his son when the music starts to play again. "I raised you better than this. What has gotten into You? Just because you're a prince you think you can do what ever you want? Your mother is going to be so upset! Oh.. I don't even want to hear it. Especially not while she is with child.. you had better hope she is in a good mood! For she will...." His voice fades out and disappears once they exit the room.
"Everyone! Please! Go about your business! Don't let some boy mess your night up. Dance! Eat! Have a good time!" Father shouts toward the guests in a very up beat tone. When they see that he is happy, they continue talking and dancing once more.
Mother approaches me, "are you alright my child?" She caresses my face.
"Yes, mother. I am fine. It is not the first time I have had to.. fight someone off, needless to say..." I mumble.
Mothers eyes widen, and pulls me into a fight hug. "Don't you worry. We will never let another man touch you like that ever again!"
Father clears his throat behind mother to get her attention. "Darling. I have decided that we will not make her get married until she so chooses to. All of this is still very new to her, so let's help her feel at home before she decides. We have still got many years ahead of us before she will have to take over. Let's not rush it."
Mother hesitates for a moment, then looks at me, and once more back at him, nodding her head.
"Well, mother, father, I am going to go outside to get some fresh air. I will be walking around the garden if you need me."
I turn to leave. "Wait." I stop at my mother's call and turn to look at her. "Take a cloak with you, it is getting bitter cold out there."
I nod, then head up the stairs only to be stopped by a servant who hands me a dark blue cloak with what seems to be bear fur on the collar.
"Thank you." I wrap it around me and turn around, walking through the crowd of people and head out the large doors. Many horse and carriages wait at the road, but I ignore them and head around the castle toward the garden. It is so peaceful. Not a noise around me except for the sound of snow falling, and the crunching from my feet.
I walk down the path, covered with snow, and look around me where flowers would be if it were spring or summer. In the center of the garden, there is a large gazebo. It's obvious that in the spring and summer time there are flowers all around it from the sleeping vines wrapping the stone ledges. I step inside, where the wood creaks against my feet. It is a rather cold night, but the cold air feels wonderful on my face. I sit down on one of the benches with a sigh. My mind wanders off.
I wonder where I would be if I had never found this kingdom. I wonder if I would be somewhere else with Rune. Maybe even at his queens castle. Would I have even met him if the mercenaries and I hadn't been in that town that night? Would the captain still be dead? Would Lotus be dead? Would we have gotten caught by the pandoreos, not even knowing about them? Would I have met Keir, and Damek, and the rest of their group? I know I would still be wondering who my parents were if I never stepped foot in this kingdom. With another sigh, I wonder if I would almost rather that. Would I trade not knowing who my parents were for my old life back?
I slowly begin to doze off, lost in my thoughts. But I am interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind me.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now