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When I get back to the city Joseph comes running up to me the second I get through the gates.
"Erin!" He grabs my arm and starts dragging me excitedly. "Come! Quickly! Before it gets dark!"
I almost stumble on my own feet with the sudden hold and bring Zyphire along, having her trot faster as well.
"Joseph, what is going on?"
"There's going to be some sort of ceremony, for your promotion. Everyone is excited about it, and then we will celebrate afterwards!" He is young, maybe a year or two younger than me, small things like this excited him. Especially if they involved alcohol, for he is growing quite a taste for it, just like all the other men. I on the other hand distaste any alcohol, unless I can find myself a sweet mead, which was hard to find, and expensive.
We get to the great Hall near the center of the city, where the mercenary group is in formation and the captain and Lotus are standing in the front. The Elite Arrowmen watch what's going on from the sides, and some men, women and children peak through their windows.
Joseph pushed me towards the front and I stand a few feet away from the captain facing him.
"Men, tonight we will be promoting young Erin! She has fought brave and well. She truly deserves it. Lotus will be retiring, this will be his last night with us, therefore Erin will step up and take his place. He has fought long and hard, and deserves a much needed break. He will be missed. But tonight, we will not morn our loss, we will celebrate the beginning of a new chapter!" The captain spoke to the group and had me about face.
Everyone clapped and cheered. I turned back around and stepped up to Lotus. In my head, his conversation with the captain echoed through out it. I shook his hand, feeling his tight grip. He was angry. He wasn't supposed to leave this soon, he was supposed to wait until our next battle. Why was he leaving the group already?
"I won't be near as well as you were, but I will help lead well." I say.
He doesn't say a word, his expression still hard, he pulls his hand back and the captain dismisses everyone.

The rays of the sun knelt into the horizon slowly, and the city was lit up with lanterns, candles, and poles on the streets. All the men that had fought today spent their evening in the bars, drinking heavily and purchasing woman for the night. I sat at a table with the captain, just finishing a large meal he bought for me. His wife sat next to him, holding onto him tightly. The bartender walked by to make sure we were doing alright.
"Yeah, but get my friend here a drink. The finest whisky you have!" The captain responded.
"Captain, thank you, but I am alright. I just want to stick to my water for tonight." I say, not wanting anything to drink.
"This is a celebration, Erin!" He picks up his metal mug. "Loosen up!" He takes a long gulp and the bartender has already come back with the whiskey setting it down in front of me.
"Charles, she's just a child." I hear his wife say quietly to him. He slams down his drink causing me to look up.
"She is a warrior. A soldier. Not a child. I will not treat her as such." He turns to me. "Drink up!"
Obediently I take a small sip of the whiskey and almost gag at the harsh flavor. He smiles and drinks more from his drink, his cheeks flush pink from tipsiness.
I remain silent and sip on the alcohol while the two of them hold a conversation. One of the soldiers comes over. He is a newer one, he used to be a slave, and hatred flooded his eyes.
"Congratulations, Erin. I am proud to be in a group, with such strong men.. I mean people." He stumbles over his words.
I nod. "Thank you."
The captain and him get into a long conversation, and I look off into the distance out the window. Many people were laughing and dancing, I should want to, but I don't. And I did not quite understand what was biting at my excitement, maybe it was Lotus's conversation with the captain earlier.
When I finish my drink I stand up and excuse myself from the table. The captain and the soldier, who's name I did not know, were too indulged in a conversation to even notice.
I walk out of the building and as I shut the door I turn around, running into the chest of a man. He takes a step back, as do I, my back pressing up against the door. It was Lotus.
His face, full of anger and hatred looks down at me, with cold eyes. I nod to him, and go to step away, but he grabs my shoulder with a strong grip, one to make a child cry. I feel the pinch, but I won't flinch, I just look at him in the eyes. He is heavily intoxicated.
"You will lead the group to their death. That is why I am leaving already." He says in a tone of ice.
I look at him confused.
"I know what you were thinking when you shook my hand. Why I was leaving so soon. I don't trust you. Nor will I ever." He shoves me out of the way and walks inside the building. I stand there a moment longer, fighting the urge to run inside and throwing a punch in his face. I remain calm and just walk down the street. Some eyes on me, but I ignore them.
I find a building, with a flat roof, and begin to climb the side of it, getting to the top with ease. I look up at the star filled sky, a crescent moon in the distance and sit down, adjusting my sword so I am sitting comfortably. I feel a light breeze hit my face and I close my eyes for several moments.
"You don't speak much, and you don't like parties. Are you really even a woman?" Rune speaks from a few feet away from me.
I shoot my eyes open, glaring at him. How did he get there with out me even hearing him?
"Don't think about it too much, I'm an assassin, I am trained to move silently." He says.
I look at him a second longer.
"Seriously, I've never met a woman like you. If you are are man, why are you pretending to be a woman?" He speaks again.
"I am a woman. I can prove it to you." I respond bluntly.
"Oh, don't tempt me like that." He smirks, and I roll my eyes looking off to the side.
"Why are you up here by yourself?" He sits down in front of me.
"I'm not anymore."
He chuckles. "Well yes. But why did you come up here to be alone? Why not be down there and celebrate with everyone? Aren't you happy about your promotion?"
"I'm was. But now, I'm not so sure. Lotus seems to not believe in me. And it's mainly because I am a women. He thinks I will send everyone to their deaths."
He tilts his head, then straightens it giving me a stern look. "Don't listen to him. He is an arrogant prick, by what I can tell. He must not have a woman in his life. At least not one that he loves, because anyone who loves a woman, can believe in all women."
"Where is yours?"
He gives me an odd look, like he was surprised by my question. "I don't have a woman for myself. I travel too much to be with one."
"You seem to believe in me."
"Ah, yes I do. I also love my mother so, and she is a woman. You don't have to love a woman romantically to believe in women."
I nod, understanding, but not quite relating to him.
He sighs. "It'll be alright, erin. You will show Lotus what you are made of, and he will regret feeling that way toward you."
I don't respond, I just turn my head and look off to the side once more.
"Now, if you're going to prove yourself, I'd like for it to be in a place a bit more private." He smirks at me.
I turn to him, roll my eyes and punch him in the arm chuckling.
"Ouch!" He rubs his arm. "Girls got some strength!"
"You're not seeing any of this." I say with a slight smile on my face.
"Oh come on! All you women are so hard to get a hold of."
"You want something, you have to work hard or fight for it." I say. "A man can never get what he truly wants, unless he does."
"Strong, beautiful, and smart. Someone would have to capture the moon for you then." He chuckles, but I can tell part of him is being serious.
I just roll my eyes. "Too bad, because I have no interest in men. They're disgusting." I chuckle.
He bursts out in laughter.
I then lay on my back looking up at the sky again. It is silent between the two of us for a while. I did not think he could ever stop talking.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now