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My dress is a dark red color, fitted to my waist perfectly, sleeves long and sheer, except for the ribbon that crisscrossed down the sleeve. I like the dress much better than the first one, being that it did not show off nearly as much chest. Izabella wraps the silk embroidered belt around my waist, tying a large bow in the small of my back. It feels nice to finally stand after hours of sitting, getting my hair and makeup done. I wished they had done something simpler to my hair, but mother wanted me to look my best. They had spent hours braiding a large loop around my head and curling, and pinning the rest of it up around the braid. Mother walks into the room, handing me a pair of earrings to put in my ears. They still hurt from when they first punctured a needle through them just a few evenings ago. I just look at them, not knowing how to put them in my ear.
"Here." Mother takes them back and begins to put them in my ears for me. "You are very quiet tonight. Not complaining as much as you normally do. Not that I'm complaining or anytbing, but is something the matter?" Mother gives me a look of sympathy. It looks genuine, and I want to tell her. But I can't.
"Everything is fine. Anything that was the matter before is nothing I can change." I reply simply.
"Your father talked to me about the argument you had several nights ago. You are in love with someone already, but your father does not approve." Mother takes my hands into hers. "Come. Sit down with me for a moment."
We sit at the foot of my bed, my hands still in hers.
"Before I met your father, there was someone that I had once wanted to marry. He was another Prince, so this is a little different, but when my mother and father were holding a ball of their own, your father was invited to it. That is where we first met. I did not want anything to do with him, for my eyes were on another prince. Although, the prince wanted nothing to do with me it seemed. Once the ball had finished, your father had already asked my father if he could have my hand in marriage. When the other prince heard of this, he wanted a duel. And to which they fought, but the other prince being much smaller than your father lost. He did not lose his life, but he backed down. With in a few days, I was married to your father. I was not happy about it, and I had asked mg own father to stop the wedding before it happened, but my father refused. The king has the most power in the land, and there was nothing I could do. After living with your father for a while, I soon realized he did truly love me. He never laid a hand on me, until I was ready. Eventually, I did end up falling in love with him, and I wish that nothing would have been changed. You may be upset now, but you have no idea what the future holds for you."
She cups my cheek with her hand. "Please do not be upset with your father. He is only doing this out of love for you. We already lost you once, we do not want to lose you again."
She gives me the best loving smile she could. And I barely smile back. What do I tell Rune when he returns to me?
Mother stands up. "Come, let's get down to the ball room. Everyone is waiting for you."
I stand up as well, slip on the little red shoes laid out for me, even though Izabella offered to put them on for me, I refuse to take any more help from her. She has done too much already. I leave the room with my mother, and walk down the hall and soon enough we get to the hall that separates for the large staircase down to the ball room. I hear music and lots of chatter amongst the people. My father meets with my mother, he is wearing what looks like a knights uniform, only his is much more decorated and embroidered, a small red cape is attached to his left shoulder. He looks over at me and smiles.
"Well don't you look just lovely tonight, my beautiful daughter?" He walks up to me. "But I believe something might be missing." He pulls out a beautiful silver crown, hidden beneath the cape and sets it in my hair. "There. Even with out it, every eye would be on you tonight."
"Thank you." I whisper, looking down at the ground.
Father lifts my chin gently with his thumb. "Do not be sad. Tonight is a night for celebrations. It will be a good night. I promise." With that he takes my mother's arm and walks to the top of the steps. The entire hall grows silent.
Father speaks some short speech that I don't even listen to. I just keep my thoughts away from anything bad. They walk down the steps, and I know it is my cue to walk up. When I do, the entire room applauds. I look down at the crowd of people, many of those I don't recognize. Some I do. I catch Keirs eyes, and he gives me a smile of support. Damek laughs and cheers me on, having had too much to drink again. Many more of the men I traveled with are here too.
My mind flashes back to those moments. When Keir slammed me against the cave wall because I had acted out, when Damek had saved Rune and I from the group of Panderoes. When Rune and I spent out last night together. I swallow the lump in my throat and begin walking down the steps. I have nothing to say. Nor do I want to say anything anyways. I take a seat next to my mother, and the music continues. Many people dance on the ball room floor, while others are eating and chatting at tables.
A servant walks over to my father and sets down a large plate full of food for him. Two more servants do the same for my mother and I.
I begin eating after my father has already started, not realizing how hungry I was. I hadn't been eating a whole lot since my father and I got into the argument. I am sure my mother is proud of how proper I am eating too, given the lessons I continued to have. I feel confident with my dancing as well, since I had many dancing lessons after the fight with my father.
Once I finish eating, the servant takes away my plate for me. Mother and father have already started talking to a guest. He must be a king from some other country. I hear him talk about his long travel it took him to get here. 4 full moons he explains. Father has already welcomed him to stay at the castle for a few nights, and even have someone give him a long massage. The man had complained how awful it was to sit in his carriage all that time, and how bad it had hurt his neck.
Poor guy, I think to my self sarcastically. I keep my facial expression the same though, how I was taught. Tonight is not a night I can embarrass my parents. Many people have traveled for this ball.
I look around at the dancing people, and wonder if Rune might happen to show up. I then push that thought out of my head, knowing he won't.
"Erin, dear," Father speaks to me, catching my attention.
"Yes, father?" I ask in the most mannered way possible.
"King Sebastian here would like to know if you would kindly Dance with his son, Prince Julian?"
I look over to the king, standing up from my seat with a curtsy. "I would be honored, your highness."
He holds out his arm with a smile, and I wrap my elbow around his, like my other had instructed. "Wonderful! I'll take you to him."

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now