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We train for a good couple hours in the training room. How Al still has energy after his components, I do not know. I had fought against Damek, and his friends. Though the only one who was able to take me down was Mateo.
He refused to use one of the practice wooden swords, for his staff was wooden, and he could use it easily to harm people, or be gentle. He told me he was being gentle, though I have the bruises to prove other wise. I am in the middle of fighting with Damek once more. He is determined to take me down, and I'm half tempted to let him, just because of how tired I am from this training. But my pride won't let me, as we swing the sword at one another. He has learned some of the ways I move, and I have learned his. I some how ended up behind him, but instead of using my sword, I kicked him down to the ground, he lands still holding his sword. I am surprised at his fast movements, as he has blocked my sword from going near his neck. I step close to him, and go to swing my sword, but I am knocked off my feet, landing on top of him. He grabs me, throwing me off, but then pins me to the ground, holding my hands down.
"And what do you expect to do with your hands, if they're holding me down?" I ask. He looks at me with a puzzled expression. He then tosses his weapon to the side, and I can see everyone around us, is confused. I am as well.
I keep my weapon in my hand, with a firm grip, until he presses on my wrist in such a way, that I grunt in pain, my hand going limp. He pushes it away.
"Sometimes during a fight, you'll lose your weapon, and have to fight hand to hand." He says to me with a bit of a smirk.
I feel like he is enjoying this way to much, as for me, I am just annoyed. I try and get myself free, but he ends up wrestling with me. I squirm as much as I can, trying to get into a dominate stance, so I can make him tap out. He ends up putting me in a choke hold, and I take my elbow, ramming it hard into his stomach. He coughs, letting go. I push him off me, and quickly get him into a choke hold myself, whispering into his ear.
"You thought because of your weight, you could take me down. Well sadly for you, if I move my hands in a certain way, I could snap your neck and kill you right here."
He tries to pull my arm away from his throat but I have too tight of a hold. He finally taps my leg letting me know he is about to black out. I let go of him abruptly, and he falls to the ground. I stand up, crossing my arms and looking at him.
"Don't try and outsmart me, Damek. It's not gonna happen."
He stands up, breathing heavy and waves his hand at me, too exhausted to say anything.
I breathe heavy as well, and look over to the doors which have just been opened. Keir walks in, and head straight for me.
"Godrik came back to me, he said the king would like to talk with us tomorrow. You're a mess, so go wash up, and prepare for tomorrow. Rest. He wants to meet with us first thing in the morning."
I don't even know quite what to say. I just nod my head, and look to Damek and his friends.
"Good training. I will see you all tomorrow. Good night." I say. They all say good night to me, and Al walks over to me, with his hand stretched out to shake mine again.
"It was an honor to meet you, miss Erin."
I nod my head, shake his hand and turn around to leave. I notice Keir is following me, he must either be going to bed as well, or just making sure I get to my chamber safely. "Dakota, come." I say.
She walks over from the spot she laid in most of the practice, and follows us. The guard at the door nods, and heads out the room to lead us to the chambers.
We walk down a set of stairs and down a long hall with many doors. He takes us to one's in the back of the hall.
"These will be your rooms. These four back here. Is there anything you need?" The guard asks us.
"Yes, if you could have someone send Erin a fresh top, and pants. She needs to look presentable when she meets the king tomorrow." Keir answers.
"Anything for you?" The guard asks.
"Something to shave my face with." He says. The guard nods and leaves.
Keir turns to me, waiting until the guard is out of ear shot to speak. "Watch that man who shook your hand. I don't trust him. He looks at you with a certain amount of desire."
I am surprised, for I hasn't even noticed. I nod my head still. "Thank you." Even after I had slapped him, he still watches over me. "Good night." I say and enter one of the rooms. He enters into the one across from me. Dakota sniffs around the small space, and jumps on one of the beds.
"It's nice here." I say out loud. There is a small bathtub behind a privacy screen. Seeing it reminds me of when I was sick, and Rune took care of me. I miss him, and wish he was here so I could hold him once more. I suddenly feel lonely. Dakota jumps off the bed and trots over to me, placing her head under my hand. She can feel my sorrow. I smile slightly and pet her head softly, sighing.
"I hope he comes back soon." I say taking off the cloak, and setting it on a bed. I take off his jacket he told me to keep. It still smells like him. I set it down too and undress myself, slipping into the tub. The water isn't that warm, but it'll do. I wash my hair with the rose soap they have provided for us. It smells wonderful. I hear a knock on the door, and jump slightly. Before I can even respond, I hear the door open, but can't see who it is behind the privacy screen.
"Erin, where are you?" Keir asks.
"Uh, I'm in the bath tub. Don't come any closer." I say quickly.
He doesn't speak for a moment. "I have your clothes, I'm setting them on the bed to the right of the door." He says, his voice seeming like he's a bit embarrassed.
"Thank you." I say.
He doesn't answer as he just shuts the door. I sigh in relief that he's gone.
He seems to care for you a lot, like you are his daughter. Dakota says to me.
I don't say anything back, for I don't know what to say. I just finish washing up, dry off and slip into the clothes I wore today, leaving the nice ones to dress into in the morning, to stay fresh. I am surprised they leave a brush in the room for us as well, as I use it to brush my hair. It's getting long. I used to keep it cut short, because that's what some men would do, but just stopped cutting it, and now it's way past my shoulders. I keep it down, letting it dry over night. I crawl into the bed, and have never felt more comfortable in my life. I partially hope my parents are somewhat wealthy, so I can sleep in this kind of bed at all times. But I can't have too high of hopes.
I would be alright if they were just commoners, for they are my parents and I will love them either way. I close my eyes, my heart racing from how anxious I am. I force it to calm down, and when it finally slows down, I begin to fall into a deep sleep.

I stand in a field, on top of a horse. I look around me, and there is an entire army behind me. To my left is a king, and to my right is Rune. In front of us is a large group of extremely pale people, someone on top of an odd looking horse in the front. I look closely at the figure, there seems to be blue glowing from his eyes. I look closer, trying to figure out who he is.

"Erin, get up. It's time to go."
I open my eyes to see Keir standing next to my bed. I give him a bit of a confused look, until I remember what's going on today. I quickly jump out of bed and push him out of the room so I can get dressed.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now