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It's been over a month that Rune and I have started traveling together. We have visited one town so far, it was small, but the food was good. I learn more and more about Rune himself every day, and I learn that he really is a lot like myself.
Though he was raised as a slave, his parents being killed when he was a very young boy. When he was ordered to do something inside the castle, the queen, who was the princess at the time, noticed him, and gave him a new home. He became her private assassin. He already knew a lot of fighting since he was in training to become a gladiator, so becoming an assassin wasn't too hard for him. Plus he's never eaten so well in his life. He loves the queen dearly, and would do anything for her. She did not have any children, but viewed Rune as her own.
We were about the same age when we killed our first person. Except mine was during a battle, and Runes was because the queen commanded him to. He poisoned him, while I stuck a sword between the man's shoulders in his back.
The leaves around us were beginning to change colors and fall, the air has grown cold. We sit in the woods taking a break as I force myself not to shiver. Rune slept soundly across from me, on the other side of the dying fire. The sun is just starting to descend into the sky, causing the chill to feel even colder.
I start to close my eyes, and begin to doze off. I wasn't meaning to, for I was supposed to stay awake while he slept, but I could hold my eyes open no longer.
In my sleep, I dream, vivid dreams. Dreams of a kingdom, large and beautiful. The castle looks like it is made purely of gold, and almost makes me sick the amount of gold they waste on it when the poor and sick could use it. I am suddenly on top of the gates, looking out upon the kingdom and the forest. There is a fire in the far distance, heading our way. I quickly get down and start to warn everyone. No one is listening to me, they all just lay down and cry. The fire reaches the town and starts to burn buildings. I see people in the fire, fighting with the fire, destroying everything in their path. I shout and try to fight them, but they're too powerful against one person. The flames reach the castle and I scream for everyone to get out, and yet no one listens to me.
I am inside the castle now, running through the halls, feeling the heat from behind me. I come up to a dead end and turn around to find another way out, but Lotus stands there in front of me, larger than ever before. The flames stand high behind him, his skin not affected by the heat at all. He pulls out his sword, pinning my against the wall, I suddenly don't feel like myself. I fear him when I normally wouldn't. I cry for help as he lifts me up, holding my neck, but the cry is muffled. I feel the sword pierce through my stomach, a pain filling through out it. He steps back, and I see myself standing behind him, attacking him. I shout while laying on the floor, watching the real me fight. I watch as Lotus throws me on the ground, pinning me down, I shout at Lotus to stop, and he brings his sword up. I scream, fearing the death of myself, as if I am someone I love dearly in this new body of mine.
My eyes jolt open, Runes face is hovering above mine. His hands resting on my shoulders, there is worry written all over his face. I sit up, and he helps me. My voice is sore, as if I had been screaming for real.
"Are you alright?" He asks me in a soft voice still holding on to my shoulders.
"Yes. It was just a dream." I say. Though I don't understand the dream.
He obviously wants to say something, but he keeps quiet knowing how I am. Instead, he takes his arms and wraps them around me, bringing me into an embrace with him. He holds me tightly. "I understand how the past can be. It's not easy to deal with, and when you try to push it out, the memories just return in dreams, unwillingly."
I sit there confused for a moment. I then push him back with my arms gently. "What? I wasn't dreaming of the past. I.. I don't know what I was dreaming of."
He looks at me for a moment then looks down in embarrassment then back at me. "Well then." He pats my shoulders and stands up. "You seemed cold, so when ever you're ready, we can head out toward the next town and purchase warmer clothes." He turns away from me and walks up to the horse and starts to fasten the saddle.
I can't help but smile with a slight chuckle behind it, but I make sure the chuckle was a silent one. I stand up and compose myself.
"Yes. Let's go now."

It's been a few days since we left to find this new town, and the air has only gotten colder. The town shouldn't be more than a day away, at least from what Rune has told me. I am not sure how he knows these lands so well, I imagine that he has traveled a lot in the past.
We have traveled these past few days mostly in silence. I can tell it drives him crazy not to hold a conversation with someone, but I am not one to talk all that much.
I am deep in my thoughts when I run right into Runes back. I huff and he holds his arm out, so I wouldn't go past him.
"You feel that?" He turns to face me.
I just give him a confused expression.
"There's a storm coming. And it's strong. We need to get to the town fast." He hops on the horse real fast, holding his hand out to help me up.
I look at his hand for a moment, debating whether or not I want to hop on the horse.
"Erin, this is not open for discussion, I'm not leaving you out in a harsh storm, in this cold." He speaks sternly.
I look toward the path, and back to him, grabbing his hand and lifting myself onto the horse.
I hold onto his shoulders, my legs on either side of him, and he commands the horse to start running. It was difficult to hold onto his shoulders and stay on the horse, especially with the speed we were going.
"Put your hands around my stomach." He turns his head so he can see me.
I hesitate for a moment, not wanting to be that close to him. I wrap my arms around his stomach, pressing my chest against his back. His body was so warm, and his heart was racing. My heart matched his in speed. Why was I feeling like this around him? Never in my life has my heart danced like this before when I have been around men.
My head rests on his shoulders, but the wind pushing against us as we rode became brittle. I bury my face into his warm back, hearing a short "hmm" coming from Runes lungs. I caught myself smiling at the embrace, and quickly changed it back to being serious.
I can finally hear a crack of thunder, as we head for the town. Having a slight fear for storms, I hold onto Rune tighter. I feel his warm hand on top of my own, and my heart skips a beat. Why was he touching my hand? Why am I feeling like this?
It takes us almost an hour to get to the gates of the town. The sky has grown dark from the charcoal gray clouds. We take the horse into a stable and head toward an inn to stay the night at. The wind blows hard, and rain hits out skin like needles. I cover my face with my arm, following Rune as best as I can, but it is hard to see with the strong winds and rain.
I feel him grab my hand once more, this time he grips it tightly, leading me toward a building. We finally get inside, dripping from the heavy rain. The keeper of the inn smiles at us.
"It's a little wet out." He pulls a key down from behind him.
"A little." Rune teases back. He takes the key, and sets down a few coins.
"Uh, sir. We need two rooms." I say turning to the man.
"There are no more for the night." He responds.
I sigh and see that Rune has already walked toward the room the key is assigned to.
I follow him up the stairs and down the hall, and he opens up the room. We step inside, and there is only one bed. Nothing else to relax on. I sigh again.
"I can take the floor." He says setting his belongings down.
"No, I can't let you. I'll sleep on the floor." I argue. He stops and turns around to face me.
"So are we both supposed to sleep on the floor? What was the purpose of getting the room then?" He stands inches away from me.
"Well, no. You'll take the bed." I respond.
"Well looks like we will both just take the bed." He steps back and turns around, taking his jacket, and boots off. "Why don't you grab some towels?" He asks.
I look at him wanting to roll my eyes, but I refrain from doing so. "Alright." I say and leave the room once more.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now