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By the end of the night, my feel were growing blisters, and they ache worse than they ever had before. I had danced with many different people, including my mother and father, getting to know them a little more, and telling them some more about me. I haven't told them about Rune, mainly because I don't know how they will react, and I hardly know them.
When I reach my room finally, I kick my shoes off, and rush over, sitting on my bed, looking at my feet. They are rubbed raw in a few different spots, with two large blisters on my ankles. I sigh.
Dakota walks up to me, licking my hands for a moment. I felt bad for leaving her in the room by herself for so long, but she doesn't seem to mind it.
I pet her for a moment and look over at the door when I hear it open. Bella. She smiles sweetly, and hesitates to walk toward me, fearful of the wolf.
"It's ok. She is quite friendly." I say, reassuring her.
She nods and walks over slowly, looking at my feet for a moment and then turns her attention to Dakota. "May I pet her?" She asks timidly.
I chuckle softly at the silly question. "Of course."
She hesitates to pet Dakota, but when she places her hand on Dakota's head, seeing her reaction is loving, and welcoming, she relaxes a bit. I chuckle again at her responce. I did not know women could be so timid and scared. I guess it would make sence, since most wolves are hostile, and she probably has not one clue on how to defend herself.
After a long moment, Bella stands up and looks at me, "would you like some hot water for your feet? Or something more comfortable to wear?" She motions to my dress.
I sigh in relief, "I thought I would never get out of this dress. Please!" I stand up and turn my back to her, so she can unlace the back, where I can not reach. She does so smoothly, and the heavy dress falls to the floor. She then takes off the corset and takes the dresses, placing them in a pile. I watch her open the wardrobe and pull out a silk dress, and silk robe with a lace collar and sleeves. I put it on, feeling a bit exposed, since one can see the outline of my breast through the dress. I gladly take the robe and wrap it around me, the robe draping to the floor. It's rather elegant, I feel ridiculous for wearing it, but the fabric is so soft and smooth against my skin.
"Is there anything else you need?" Bella asks me and I turn my attention to her.
"No, thank you. You may do as you wish for the night." I feel odd for telling her that, I know she will just find something else she has to do, but I feel she should relax for the night.
She nods and leaves the room. I look around the room, unsure what to do. I need some fresh air, and walk over to the door to the balcony, looking over the land. It's dark, only lit by a silver moon and bright stars. I can see the side of a large moutain, and down below is the kingdom, candle lit and still lively. It's beautiful.
I know Rune would love it, and I take a step back preparing myself to go get him, so he can see, but then I remember he's not here. My heart sinks for a moment and I sigh.
I feel Dakota sit at my side, her fur brushing against my leg, uncovered by the robe.
Do not worry. He will return. Dakota reassures me.
I nod, and begin to undress my hair, taking the ribbons out, and let it hang over my shoulders. I focus on the sound of the crickets, the soft gusts of wind, that make me realize just how cold it is outside.
I hear footsteps behind me, but I keep my focus on the sounds. I feel something warm draped over my shoulders, and it startles me slightly.
"What are you doing out here in this cold?" Godrik asks me.
I turn around to face him. "I needed fresh air." I state, simply.
He chuckles. "Come back inside, crazy. You're shivering."
I hadn't even noticed. I walk inside the warm room once more, and he shuts the door behind me, locking it up.
"The queen sent me, to let you know that you will have an early morning, and begin your training right away. Breakfast will be served, and you are to eat with them. Your servants will be in to wake you up, if you are not, and prepare you for the day." He explains to me as we walk over to the couch and I sit down.
I am confused as to why he didn't sit down. "You may sit." I say.
He then sits down next to me. "So, how are you liking it so far?"
I give him a short glare. "I hate the shoes, they rub my feet in all the wrong ways, the dress was extremely uncomfortable, and I could barely breathe the entire time. I didn't quite know what to expect when I found my parents, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting this."
He just chuckles. "I wasn't expecting them to ever find you. I only ever heard stories of your disappearance, and they did everything in their power to find you. When they found your kidnapper, he claimed you were dead. The queen did not believe him, until they found the dead body of a baby. It was so mangled up, that they wouldn't have been able to recognize it. The king believed it was you, but the queen still didn't. After all these years she continued to search, until just a few years ago when the king threatened to have her banished if she didn't stop. She almost left, but I convinced her to stay. I told her that if you were meant to come back, some how fate would bring you here. And I was right."
I look down, it was hard to take in that my mother cared about me that much. That she believed I would come back. Why would the kidnapper kill another baby just to make it look like it was me? Why am I still alive?
I am taken by surprise when I feel Godrik grabbing my chin with his fingers, making me look at him.
"Don't think about it too much. Everyone in the castle is glad you're back." He looks deep into my eyes with his hazel ones.
I break apart the contact turning away. "I don't know anyone here, and yet everyone is celebrating my return. I just don't know how to take it all in. Everything is going to have to change now."
"Of course it is. But that's what life is all about. We go through changes, and it helps make us grow."
I turn back to face him. He's smarter than I thought he was, and it surprises me a bit. Half smiling, I open my mouth to speak but he stands up abruptly.
"Erin! Do you want to visit the throne room? I know you're technically not allowed in there yet, but you're the princess. Besides, you're not going to get a whole lot of opportunities to be free." He reaches his hand out to assist me.
I look at it, then him, I turn to face Dakota, but she just stares back at me and I look at him once more. I take his hand and stand up. He has a large grin on his face, and I would too if I didn't feel timid at the moment.
Letting go of my hand, he leads me out of the room, looking both way to make sure no one would see us. Dakota follows close behind me. He walks down the hall, and around a corner. He stops suddenly, and I run into him.
"Shh!" He interrupts me. Before long, we start walking again and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
After going down the next hall way, we see a shadow, and he grabs my arm, opening a door and shoves the both of us into the room. Dakota trots in just in time before he closes the door. I can't help but laugh softly.
"Shh! They'll hear you!" Godrik whispers harshly, but can't contain his chuckles either. Dakota wags her tail at the excitement. The room we are in is dark, but it looks like there are supplies in it. It must be a supply closet for the servants.
After a few moments, Godrik cracks open the door, and looks out into the hall.
"The coast is clear." He motions for me to follow him, in which I do. We get to the end of the hall, and there is a staircase leading down. We head down it, and it seems to spiral as we go down.
At the bottom he heads down another hall and turns. In the center of the hall he stops, and there is a large set of double doors in front of us. They are heavy and wooden, carved with beautiful designs. Godrik opens the door quietly, and walks in, holding it open for me. I enter close behind him.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now