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*caution* mature- strong sexual content.

After dinner, Rune, Dakota, and I decide to take a walk around the castle. Mother and father have gone to bed, but I can't sleep. Not now. Rune and I have been walking in silence for a long while. I can't stop smiling, but neither can he.
"What did you and Father talk about?" I finally break the silence as we continue to walk.
"A lot. Mostly about my life. Everything that I have already told you. I told him of how we met. I told him of how I fell in love with you the moment I saw your face. Even if there was blood splattered on it."
"You didn't tell him that part did you?!" I gasp, only imagining what father would have thought at the thought of blood of an enemy on my face.
Rune chuckles. "Of course not. Even if I did tell him about the blood, he would understand that you were raised differently. I reminded him of that. He didn't want you fighting in the war. But I explained what a great warrior you are."
I look at him and stop.
"Rune." I don't even know what to say, I try to speak but nothing comes out. "I-"
Rune shuts me up with a kiss on the lips. He pulls away all too soon. I want to pull him into another, but I can not risk any of the guards seeing it. That kind of stuff is forbidden in this kingdom until marriage.
"I figured the kiss would stop the blushing. I guess i was wrong." Rune chuckles.
I shove him lightly and continue walking. He catches up with me.
We walk aimlessly, for what seems like hours, though I know it hasn't even been an hour since we started walking. I stop when I come to the door to my bedroom. I didn't mean to lead us here, but here we are. I look back at him, and then at Dakota. She nods at me and starts walking off, to give us some privacy. I open the door and close it behind us, locking it. I look around the room, Izabella must have just left for the bath water is steaming in the washroom. I turn to Rune.
"Would you like to wash up?" I ask.
"Only if you join me." Rune wraps his arm around my waist pulling me against his body and kisses me deeply. "I missed seeing you in these kinds of clothes. Those dresses do not suite who you are."
I roll my eyes, and kiss him again, then step back, grab his hand and lead him to the washroom. I place my hand in the water to test how warm it is, and it is very warm.
"This kind of reminds me of the time when you were sick, and couldn't bathe yourself." Rune whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around me from behind.
"Yes. Well I'm perfectly capable of washing myself this time. So you don't have to worry about me." I say and step foward, collect a couple drying sheets and set them next to the tub. "Here you are. Take all the time you need. I don't know when we will be able to bathe again. Might as well take advantage of it, now."
He looks at me as he strips off his shirt. "I said I would only bathe, if you join me."
My heart races, and I don't know what to say. It doesn't help that he stands before me completely topless. When he starts taking his pants off, I quickly look away, my face feeling extremely warm. I hear him step inside the tub, and I dare to look over at him. Most of his body is submerged by the water.
"Do I have to pull you in?" He asks as he grabs my wrist. His touch is so warm, it feels as though it might burn my skin, but I know it won't.
"No. I.." I start to speak.
"Erin, it isn't like I haven't seen you naked before." Rune says in a soft voice.
"But I have never seen all of you.." I whisper.
"We have traveled together for months, and now suddenly you are bashful around me?" Rune gives me a look that I have no idea what it means.
I open my mouth to speak, but instead I pull my hand away from his, so I can take off my own top. Once my pants are off as well, I pull the silk strap out of my hair and feel it softly graze past my shoulders. I look at rune before getting in the tub, only to see him look at me in complete wonder.
I feel the mood begin to change, especially as I step into the tub. I kneel down, and Rune helps me, pulling me into him, so my back is pressed against his bare chest. I feel as though my heart might beat out of my chest. Rune takes his hands, and pulls my hair to the side, I feel the water from them drip down my back.
He kisses my shoulder, moving his lips closer to my neck. My entire body begins to tingle from the kisses, and I gasp at the sensation.
His arms begin to travel across my arms, making their way to my legs, then stomach, and then back to my arms. I close my eyes, taking in everything.
"Your skin is as soft as velvet." Rune whispers in my ear. I feel the breath from his voice against it and shiver at the sensation. "How I have missed you so. It almost doesn't even feel real, now that you are in my arms." Rune continues to run his hands over my body.
I begin to feel his manhood harden beneath me, and it causes me to blush.
Rune shifts behind me, and I look behind myself to see what he is doing. He grabs the rose scented bar of soap off the shelf next to the tub, and begins massaging it against my back. When my back has been completely cleaned, he moves down my arms in a gentle motion. He then moves his hands to my stomach, which is under the water but cleans my stomach anyways. His hands move up to my breasts, and he slowly begins massaging them, the soap making them slippery. I gasp at his touch, leaning my head back against his shoulder. He kisses my cheek. I turn my head toward his face, and we begin kissing deeply as his hands smoothly caress my body with the soap. At times he holds me tighter, closer to him. He begins to caress my legs with the soap, cleaning one at a time. He cleans my thighs gently, causing my stomach to twist in knots. He brings the bar of soap and presses it against my vulva, causing me to gasp. I feel his fingers move against the labia causing me to gasp even louder.
"Shh.  It's ok. I'm only cleaning it." Rune whispers reassuringly in my ear. He finishes cleaning everything on my body and then hands me the bar of soap. I turn around in the bathtub and begin washing his body, similar to how he had washed mine.
I watch as his face softens, and he closes his eyes. His dark lashes against his cheeks. I stare at his face the entire time I wash his body. I watch as every now and again the corner of his lips will begin to lift, just barely. His lips. So soft. So warm. I look at the man I love, examining every detail, as if I may never see him again, so I never forget what he looks like. I move closer to him, watch his face twitch from the sudden movement but his eyes remain closed. I set the bar of soap down on the shelf. I rest my hands on his chest, his warm welcoming chest. I lower my head, and begin to kiss his chest gently. I can feel his rapid heart beat, which comforts me knowing mine is not the only one that is rapid.
Rune quickly grabs my arms, lifting me to become eye level with him and presses his mouth on mine. Our bodies shift, and he presses my back against the wall of the tub. His hands move all over my body as I feel his tongue against my lips. I return the favor, and feel his teeth bite my lower lip gently as he pulls away taking my lip with him for a moment. I open my eyes to see him. Something new fills his eyes. Something I have not seen before. Something that draws me closer to him and yet scares me at the same time. Before I have a chance to even respond, he presses his lips against mine again. His tongue enters my mouth this time, twirling against mine. I feel him press his body against mine harder, I wrap my arms around his back, pulling him against me even more than he already is.
He stops. Looks at me. And then stands up, holding my hand to bring me to my feet as well. We step out of the tub together and he grabs the towel to dry me off. I, in return, dry him off as well. I look at him for a moment, but he cuts my attention short with his mouth. As he kisses me again, he lifts me off the ground. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he starts walking. He bends over and I feel the bed against my back as he lays me down and begins to climb onto the bed with me. I lay my feet down on the bed, and caress my hands through his now messy hair. He begins kissing my neck, sucking at it gently, and then moves down to my chest. He takes one breast in his hand and the other he kisses gently, sucking ever so softly on the nipple. I gasp again, as my breathing quickens.
He kisses down my stomach, still while caressing the rest of my body. I want to become closer to him some how. I want him.
"Rune." I say in a breathy voice.
He stops kissing my stomach and crawls back up the bed so our eyes are level. His raven colored hair hangs in his face as he looks into my eyes.
"Yes, my love?" He asks me gently.
"I... I love you so much. And I want to feel even closer to you." I touch his cheek with my hand.
His eyes shift often, looking from one of mine to the other. "Do you..-"
"I want to make love with you Rune." I finally spit out, my heart racing even faster at those words.
He looks at me for a moment and then nods. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me gently.
"Yes." I nod my head, my eyes never leaving his.
He nods again, and kisses me. "Let me know, if I begin to hurt you."
I nod my head, unable to speak any longer.
"I'm going to prepare you for it. Ok?" His eyes still don't leave mine. I nod again and begin to feel his hand caressing my leg. He rests on his other elbow, bringing his body closer to mine.
Like he had done in the bathtub, he places his hand in my vulva and rubs his fingers on my labia. I gasp again, pleasure rippling through my body. At least I think it is pleasure. I have never felt something like this before.
His fingers continue to move, and I feel one enter inside me. I gasp louder, closing my eyes this time. My breaths begin to turn into complete gasps, as he moves his finger in and out of me. I want more. I grip the blankets with both of my fists.
"Are you ready?" Rune asks, kissing my cheek.
I nod my head, and watch as he positions the tip of his penis at the opening of my vagina. Once it is positioned, he rests his arm on the other side of me, and slowly pushes himself inside of me.
I gasp extremely loud, only to be cut off by his mouth on mine. I feel pain. I feel pleasure.
Rune lifts his head to look at me. "Are you alright?"
I nod. He nods again, looking at me to make sure I'm ready for more and I nod once more.
I feel him move out and then slowly back in again, as he kisses my lips. I feel the pain again as I almost yelp. Will the pain go away? Before I can ask out loud, I feel him shift again, pushing in slowly. The pain this time as subsided, and when he repeats the motion again, I hardly feel any pain at all.
He begins to continue with the motion, becoming faster. My gasps turn into moans as I feel my entire body begin to warm up. Rune slides his arms up in the bed, pressing his chest against mine and runs his hands through my hair. His lips never leave mine. Every now and again his tongue will dance with mine.
The pleasure starts becoming more and more intense. I start wrapping my legs around his, pulling him closer to my body. His rhythm becomes faster causing the intensity to rise. I feel him pulse inside of me, as my entire body stiffens. His rhythm stops as I grip him tighter, wanting to scream, but I don't. Rune lifts his head, his hair catching the sweat from his forehead.
We both breathe hard, he pulls out of me, and lays on his back next to me. I can't move. I don't want to. I stare at the ceiling. Rune turns me to my side and holds me from behind, covering us with the blankets.
"I love you Erin." Rune whispers in my ear.
"I love you Rune." I respond. We both doze off, waking up several times through out the night to make love over and over again. I can't seem to get enough of him. Finally, we end up falling asleep, too tired to wake up again the rest of the night.

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