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I feel faint for a moment and have to hold onto the table so I don't fall over. The queen and the king look at me for a long moment, the king with more of a shocked face. The queen steps toward me, and embraces me in a hug, in which I return after a short moment. This is my mother. She let's go and places her hands on my shoulders, tears running down her face. She cups my cheek.
"My darling. How I've missed you." She says then turns to the king letting him embrace me in a hug as well.
I step back after the embrace and look at the two of them.
"Do you think it really worked? The magic couldn't be wrong, could it?" I ask, not all too sure that this is correct.
"My magic is not of a witches, or black magic. It's real, and it has never failed me." Modred answered me.
I turn to the queen. "I only ask this, my Queen, because-"
"Call me Beatrice. Or mother, if you would so like." She interrupts me.
I nod. "Yes, Beatrice." I say not sure if I should use mother yet, which seems to disappoint her a bit. "I ask, because all my life I have always fought, and I have loved it. I never thought about being wealthy, or wanted to be wealthy, nor did I ever think I could make a good companion to a prince, let alone a king. If I was really your daughter, wouldn't I have wanted a different life?"
She looks at me for a moment thinking of how to answer. "That could be one case. But you seem to be as stubborn as your father, from what you told me of not wanting to go back to the orphanage. Also, if you were raised by someone who taught you how to be thankful for what you had, then I would think not. I would not think you would want a different life, especially if you were happy there."
She has a point. I think about it for a moment and then finally let it sink in a bit and smile at them. "Well, for as surprised as I am to find out my parents are rulers of a kingdom, I am glad to have finally found them." I step forward to hug them, and they return my hug together.
Mother pulls away from me and places her hands on my shoulders again, this time her face full of excitement. "We must get you ready to let every one know you are alive and back! We will hold a meeting as soon as possible!" She turns to the king. "Tell the town for all those able to come to the castle dressed in their best attire! I will have everyone meet in the grand ball room! We will celebrate afterwards!" She turns to me. "As for your coronation to become a princess, you will need to learn the ways of a princess, first."
It just dawned on me that I am now a princess. The idea made me want to cringe, but I don't.
"Godrik! Take her to her new room where she will be staying! It will be on the top floor, in the west wing. You know which one I talk of." The queen orders him.
He nods and walks toward me. The queen looks at me. "Hurry! Go! We mustn't wait any longer!" She grabs the king and starts heading out of the room in a fast walk.
Godrik looks at me and dips his head, "my Lady." He offers me his arm and I glare at him.
"No thank you." I say and walk past him out the door and wait for him to lead me to my new room.
Some how I had a feeling you were of royal blood. I could smell something about you that isn't like anybody else. Dakota tells me. I just look at her for a moment and follow Godrik down the hall and up a spiral staircase. I don't know how I feel about this. How will Rune react to it?
I am so deep in thought that I did not even realise Godrik stopped, as I bump right into him.
"I'm sorry." I say and take a step back.
He looks at me and chuckles. "It's quite alright, my Lady. Here is your chamber. Your maid will be up shortly to help you with everything you need."
I look at him a moment. "Will you stop calling me that?"
It only makes him chuckle again and he begins to walk away ignoring my request. Before I enter the room he turns back to me. "Even though I am amazed, I am not surprised. You fit well in the castle." He smirks and turns away walking down the bright hall.
I roll my eyes and sigh entering the room. It's huge. It seems it's as big as a small house. To the left of the door is another set of doors that seem to lead outside to a balcony. The bed is in the center, a large bed with pillars on each corner that could fit four of me, with heavy curtains tied back against the pillars. To the right is a large wardrobe and a privacy screen. There is another door that wonder where it goes to. I walk toward it and open the door, to see a beautiful marble bathtub with golden feet, sitting on a platform that one has to step onto. Windows surround it, though beautiful pale pink curtains hang to keep privacy. Across from the tub is a wooden vanity, with a large mirror decorated by the wood. The floor is made of marble in the washroom, and I turn back to look at the bed room, with a wooden floor, a large rug laying in the center. At the end of the bed there is a couch, and in the very center of the room is a small white table with a glass center, and two white chairs with a tea set on the glass. I notice a large window to the right of the bed with more curtains hanging, though half way open to let light in.
I look at the ceiling and notice a large chandelier hanging. I am utterly amazed by this room, I don't know how I can possibly sleep in here.
I jump when I hear the door open, and a young servant woman steps in the room. She is older than I am, but beauty rests on her young face. She smiles at me and I return a half smile, still too shocked by everything.
"Good afternoon, my Lady. I was informed everything, and it is wonderful news! I am pleased to serve you! My name is Izabella." She says in a high pitched formal tone.
I nod, "Thank you. Though you don't have to call me that. Just call me Erin, please."
"Are you sure?" She asks.
"Yes, I am positive. I don't think I'll ever get used to being called 'my Lady'."
She nods. "Right then. Well if you'll come with me, we must get you washed up."
She leads me into the wash room, and starts to undress me. I take a step back. "What are you doing?" I ask.
"I am getting you ready for a bath, my- I mean Erin." She says looking at me confused for a moment, then realizing I wasn't raised like this. "The servants help in every way possible."
"I see. Well I'm alright. I can undress myself." I say.
She nods and takes a step back. "Of course."
I wait for her to leave, but she doesn't.
"Is there something wrong?" She asks.
"Uh, I'm not exactly used to having someone watch me as I bathe. You can leave, I'll call for you when I'm finished." I say.
"Yes ma'am. Though, if I may ask, who will put your robe on for you when you get out?"
Robe? I don't need a robe, I only need a towel to dry off with. I shake my head. "I can get it."
She nods, and moves the robe from the other side of the room to a hook by the tub, and leaves the room.
I sigh in relief and undress, stepping into the tub with warm water. It feels great, and smells amazing. Once I am done, I step out and wrap the robe around me, walking out of the room and into the bedroom to see a few women standing around a large yellow dress.
Bella turns around to face me. "Oh good! Just in time, my Lady! Let's get you dried off and the dress on, to make sure it fits. It was a special request from your mother that you wear this today!"
I am ushered over to the bed and one of the women grabs my hair drying it in a towel, as Izabella takes off the robe.
"Oh!" I say not expecting to be bare naked in front of all these women.
"It's alright, my Lady. We all have the same body parts. It doesn't bother us." Izabella giggles holding out a plain white skirt for me to step into.
I let her slip it on me, and then she slips on a corset around my chest. She tightens it in the back, making it feel like I can't breathe. I cough at the sudden tightness of the under garments.
"My apologises, you'll get use to it after a while." She tells me, then has some of the women hold up the large yellow dress over my head and slips it on. She again tightens it in the back and I feel as though they will squeeze the life out of me before I even reach the ball room. The sleeves hang off my shoulders and rest on my arms, they are large and poofy.
"Now, what you'll need to do, is grab your girls and pull them together. It'll help with the comfort, and also give you better shape." Izabella tells me.
I look at her confused.
"Your girls." She points to her breast.
I blush and reach to grab one at a time pulling them in. They push together, not even leaving any room for a paper to slip between them.
One of the women guides me over to a white chair, having me sit down, as she brushes through it, then pulls it to one side, tying it in multiple places. While she does that another women starts putting some sort of powder on my face, and pulls hairs from my eye brows.
I yelp pulling back. "I apologize, this will be painful." She tells me, and continues to pull at the hairs. My eyes water from the pain, but finally after what felt like for ever she finishes and starts putting some thick black liquid on my eye lashes, careful not to get it in my eyes, and something on my lips.
They all stand back and look at me, some of their faces full of shock. I look back at them confused.
"Erin, my Lady, you should take a look at yourself." Izabella tells me.
I stand up and walk over to the large mirror hanging on the wall. I don't even look like myself. I look like the woman in the painting I saw earlier today. I look... beautiful.

Hey guys! I apologize about the name mix up! So Erin's mom's name is Beatrice, and Runes queens name is Eiva. This is a longer chapter than most! But I do hope you are liking it! Also SURPRISE!!! You finally found out who her parents are! I will post what I feel she looks like in the next chapter! Just wait and read what Keir and Damek have to say about it at the celebration. Love you guys!

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now