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I open my eyes, and the room is still dark. The fire had gone out through out the night, and the air around us is chilly. Sometime during the night, Rune covered us with the blanket, which helps a little bit. I don't understand why I am awake, until I look out the window and the sky is starting to light up, the rays of the sun just touching the sky.
I turn over to see Rune is still facing me, his face soft as he sleeps. I watch him for a few moments, not wanting to ever leave this spot with him. His eyes open slowly, and as he looks at me, he smiles. I smile back but my smile soon fades, knowing he will be leaving shortly.
His smile starts to fade when he sees mine has. He brings his arm up to my face and caresses it with his hand.
"Thank you for spending the night with me." He whispers.
I nod closing my eyes. I am surprised with a kiss on my lips. I kiss him back, and he pulls me into him, but all too soon the kiss ends. He sighs moving a strand of my hair out of my face. He then shifts, sitting up and hangs his legs over the bed. I look at his back, still covered by his off white shirt. I prop myself up on one elbow. I watch him stand up and stretch.
I remember the time when he was being held by the Pandareos, and how they were taking energy from him. I don't know if he is fully healed from that. I know my face still has the scab, and so does my chest. I sit up and hang my feet over the bed, like he had done a moment ago, my toes barely touching the floor.
"Are you well enough to travel by yourself?" I ask.
He turns to me, confused by what I mean.
"They took your energy. I didn't even know, until Enzo told me." I say.
"They did. But only a small amount, which I have gained back." He walks over to the fire and get it going once more.
"Do you-"
"I won't run into them again. I talked to Keir about their motives. To get back to my kingdom, I don't have to go near them." He interrupts me. "Erin, it's going to be alright." He stands up and looks at me, the fire bringing light to the room. "I will come back, and I will be all yours. I will tell the queen everything about you. She will adore you. I'll even get her blessing."
I blink I'm surprise. "Blessing?"
He walks over and takes me hands in his. "Yes. As long as I have your parents blessing as well, we can live the rest of our lives together." He kneels down before me kissing the top of my hand.
I know he is talking about marriage. I don't know that I am ready for that just yet. I have so much to discover.
"We can make arrangements for the wedding when I get back. The queen will grant us any wedding we would like. We can have a house, anywhere you want." He seems real excited over this.
I don't know what to say.
"You don't have to answer me any time soon. You will have plenty of time to think." He says.
"How long will you be gone?" I ask
"Up to a year at most."
I nod. "Alright. Will you write me?"
"Every day I get the chance." He looks at me for a long moment. "Come, let's get breakfast."
I stand up and gather my cloak and his jacket putting them on and heading out the door. Dakota stands up when the door opens and I lead us back down the stairs and into the dinning hall. We sit down at a small wooden table. A woman greets us with a tired smile.
"Can I get you something to drink?"
Rune nods. "Please. Water. And something to eat for the both of us."
She nods and walks away. Dakota lays down under the table, and with in a couple minutes the woman is back with a tray full of food. There is white meat in the middle, most likely from a chicken, with bread and cheese around it.
We begin to eat in silence, only hearing the crackling of the fire place in the corner and small conversations of other travelers. The meat is dry, and flavorless, but it's food none the less.
When the food is almost gone, I leave some bread and cheese for him to take on his journey.
"How long will it take to get to the queen from here?" I ask.
"If I travel fast, a little over a month. Maybe two. I need to get there as soon as possible. I already sent back a letter to the queen letting her know I am returning. She should expect me with in that time."
I hear heavy foot steps enter the room and look over to see some of the men we traveled with coming in to get something to eat theirselves. Damek looks over at us greeting us then sitting at a table with Amis, Gabriel and Aidan.
I turn my eyes back to Rune.
"They will be heading to the castle soon. Keir has already told me he plans on working for the king, in hope to get rid of the Pandareos. I will head out then as well." He says.
We sit and talk for a moment longer, until we can see that the sun is fully in the sky. We then stand up and head back to the room to gather the rest of our belongings and to the horses. He only wants to take one horse with him, and travel as light as possible. I help him prepare his horse, and make sure he has everything he will need. I walk over to my horse and pick up the bow that was given to me. I also take the sheath of arrows and walk over to Rune with it.
"I want you to take these. In case something happens, or you run out of food and will need to hunt. I won't need it any longer."
He looks at me then takes them, strapping it to his horse. "Thank you."
I hear the men gathering around us, getting ready to head to the castle. We all planned on meeting here. I see Keir walking toward us. He walks up to Rune, and grasps his shoulder.
"Travel safe, my friend." They hug each other and Keir walks to the head of the company. He looks back at me, waiting for me to say my good byes to Rune.
I look up to Rune, who is already mounted on his horse. My heart pangs of sadness. His horse is ready to leave, as it is getting anxious. I look up at Rune, and he looks at me.
I quickly reach up and grab his shirt, pulling him toward me and kissing him deeply. It surprises him and he almost falls off the horse but he catches himself, kissing me deeply back.
"I love you." I whisper softly.
"I will see you again, my love." He whispers back and sits up straight on his horse once more. He turns his horse around and kicks him to get him running through the streets. People move out of his way.
I stand and watch him as he runs into the distance. I see him look back one more time at me, and turn back again, kicking his horse to make it run faster. I watch until I can see him no longer.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, which almost makes me jump. I look behind me to see Damek looking at me with soft eyes. I look over to Keir, who is still waiting for me. I nod toward him, grabbing the reigns of my horse. I do not feel like riding today. We March out toward the castle.
"He will be alright. Don't worry too much about him." Damek says.
I just continue to look down at the ground, watching our feet. I feel colder than I was before, even though it is warmer today. I know now that I am surrounded by men who will protect me, yet I do not feel nearly as safe anymore. I want to turn back, hoping that Rune changes his mind, and returns to us, but I know that won't happen. So I keep my eyes ahead, not looking back.
I feel Dakota rub against my leg as we walk to comfort me. It does a little bit. I pet her head softly.
As we get closer to the castle, more eyes are on us, and many of the people around us whisper as we pass.
"They seem to be looking at you, Erin." Damek says from beside me.
I look around and catch a few eyes on me. Not wanting anyone to look at me, I lift the hood of my cloak, which hides me face partially. We still have a few hours before we reach the castle.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now