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I step away from the man still holding onto my sword. Men surround us. Dakota stands in the center with the hair standing on her back snarling at the men around her.
"You've got a nice wolf here." The man holding Rune down says. He's speaking to Rune.
"She's not mine." Rune says through his teeth. Do they know about her?
All their eyes turn to me. I stand up straighter.
"So the pretty lady has a pet, eh? She'd make a nice fur pelt."
Dakota snaps at the man.
"Dakota, back down." I command. She looks back at me, and back to the man still snarling but reluctantly sits down.
"And she listens too? What, you said her from a pup?" The man asks.
I take a few steps toward him, men around me lifting their swords and I hear the string of a bow being pulled back. I ignore them all, I was only going to take one step anyways. "In fact, I did. And if you harm her, I will kill you."
The man laughs at my words. "What about you're pretty boyfriend here?" He puts a dagger to his throat, forcing Rune to lift his chin.
I take another step toward him. He presses the dagger down on Runes neck. "Ah, ah, I'd be careful if I were you, young one."
I just glare at him. "What do you want from us?"
"Well, you're passing on my territory, so the question is, what do you want?"
"We are passing through. To get down the moutain."
"You killed one of my men, and so did your friend here. Your wolf has injured one greatly, and I feel he will lose a leg."
I don't say anything.
"You're going to pay for what you did." The man is about to slit Runes throat and I go to jump toward him, though I know I am too far.
All too soon an arrow is shot from somewhere and hits the man in the head. He falls down and Rune jumps up taking the dagger and going to the man next to him. I stand for a moment confused but hear another arrow being shot and jump out of the way before it hits me. I jolt toward the man with the arrow and before he is able to load another one I slice my sword across his chest. He falls back, blood splashing onto the white snow. Two man come at me and I spin around fighting the two, blocking their blows and jumping out of the way from others. One hits my arm with his dagger, which angers me, and I swing my sword even faster at him across his chest. He backs away with a surprised look on his face and I turn around just fast enough to stop the other man from stabbing me in the back. I grab his hand and the force of his body pushes me to the ground with him on top of me trying to push the dagger down. I hold with all my strength, trying to push the dagger away. The dagger presses on my chest and I feel it break the skin. I let out a loud grunt and before he could put any more pressure on the dagger, an arrow goes through his head. His body falls limp on me. I push the man off me, feeling the blood on my face, and tasting it in my mouth. I spit it out knowing it was from the man and look around to find who is shooting these arrows.
A man on the outskirts of the surrounding men is jumping swiftly out of people's way, shooting arrows at them with a cross bow. He wears a black cloak that flows with his movements. I hear something from behind me and turn around to see a sword being swung at me. I jump out of the way, but am too slow, for he cuts my cheek. I step back and then step toward him once more swinging my sword at him. He blocks it, and is swift with his movements as well. He brings his sword low but I block it as well, then spin so I am behind him and swing at him again. He spins around too fast and blocks it.
I curse under my breath, continuing to swing at him. He blocks my every blow, but I know I am going to bring him down. His dark brown eyes mock me, as if he can read my mind. He reaches for me, but I jump out of the way, swinging my sword at his hand holding his sword while his attention is on grabbing me. He pays too close attention and twists out of the way, spinning in a 360. I use that moment to bring my sword at his throat, pointing it at him. He looks at me a bit surprised, but with a smirk. He drops his sword and is ready for me to hit him. I bring my sword back quickly and am about to bring it across his throat but I watch an arrow tip come through his forehead and he falls toward me face down. I jump back, so he doesn't fall on me and look at the man with the cross bow.
"What the hell??" I shout at him. All the men around us are dead, and the snow looks like a blood bath. "I was going to strike him!"
"You were going to slow, milady." The man responds with a smooth medium pitched voice.
He walks toward me, and I go toward him livid. I grip my sword tighter, and am ready to swing at him.
"Erin." Rune speaks.
"What?!" I shout at Rune, stopping and looking at him frustrated.
"He saved our lives. And you are trying to kill him?" Rune puts back his daggers on his body, hiding them beneath his cloak and in his boots.
I grit my teeth and turn my face to the mysterious man quickly, my hair falling in my face. "Who are you?" I say though my teeth.
He puts his crossbow on his back, straightens his body and bows his head slightly. "My name is Damek." He lifts his head up once more, looking at me with his dark eyes, so dark they almost appear black. They are striking against his dark olive skin. His black hair hangs in his face, long enough he can tuck it behind his ear but too short to tie it back. He is tall, taller than Rune, and slim. Though it's obvious he has strong muscles, but they don't bulge.
"What are you doing here?" I say with a short temper.
"The question, my fair lady, is what are the two of you doing here in these lands? Or might I say three?" He looks over at Dakota, who has blood all over her white fur.
"We are passing by. On our way to some kingdom." I say looking over to Rune. He stares at me, making sure I don't just up and kill Damek.
Damek looks at me a moment longer, then speaks. "Seems you have come a long way. Would you guys like some food?" He takes a few steps toward me. "We have supplies, and can tend to your wounds." He lifts his hand to touch my cheek but I lift my sword pushing his arm away with the flat of the blade and pointing the tip at his neck. He takes a step back, and I hear Rune take a step toward us.
"We? Who else is with you?" Rune asks.
I draw my sword back when Damek turns to Rune.
"Yes. My family. We are not all related by blood, but they are my family none the less. I was out here hunting for food when I heard quite a commotion going on, and came to check. I know of the group that attacked you. They claim they own these lands, and yet they do not. There are many more of them that hide within the mountains, preying on travelers. They are blood thirsty beasts, and need to be gotten rid of before they start a war."
Runes eyes flicker for a moment at the word war. I know that he's in search of some war, and these people could possibly be the start of it. "What is it they want?" He asks him.
"They want more land. They also gain energy on those they kill. It's like they suck their lives out into their own, and gain more power from it. They are dangerous and you should stay away from them."
"How do you know all of this? How do we know you aren't one of them?" I butt in glaring at Damek.
He looks back at me. "Because, my dear, I would have killed all of you if I was one. The more energy they can gain the better. And with the likes of you, you would give them lots of energy." His eyes give me chills over my body, but I remain still, continuing to glare at him.
He is not intimidated by me in the least bit, I can tell, but I will not stand down.
"Come, let's get the three of you fixed up." He eyes me carefully, untrusting of me, as I am of him. Finally I sheath my sword, and nod my head slightly.
With that he starts walking, leading us somewhere. Maybe where our death lies ahead. Rune seems to trust him more than I do, which I don't understand when he doesn't even trust my wolf. But I will keep my guard up, ready at any moment if he decides to turn on us.

Erin (book 1 of Erin Series)Where stories live. Discover now