Chapter 1 - J is for JERK!

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I stared at the obscenely large brick building. It had been my jail for far too long, and it pained me to realise that there was still another long year to go. The students began to congregate on the grassy knolls outside of the school, conversing at ridiculously loud volumes about their summer conquests.

I remembered my own summer, and found myself sighing audibly at my own complete lameness. In fact, I’d spent the entire summer working for my parent’s at their restaurant.

“Ellie!!!!” I heard a familiar voice call, one I had only heard on the phone these past three months, before I had a chance to turn around, My best friend Louise was on my back hugging me to death.

“Louie! Oh man I missed you so much! How was Mexico?” I asked turning to face her, She smiled at me and fluttered her big green eyes. Before she spoke she pulled out her phone and turned it to show me. The background was of a gorgeous Mexican boy and her hugging.

“Is that Carlos?” I asked, remembering our many conversations over the summer about her summer fling, she blushed and flicked her blonde hair back then nodded.

“Oh he was so lovely, opening the door for me, pulling out my chair.” She sighed wistfully “he said he’ll email and call I think I might be in love”

“Love is for saps, but if your happy, then I am” I smiled, putting my arm over her shoulder

“So did you really not do anything apart from work?”

“Really. I worked and stayed home, it was boring and torture without  you or Ryan here” I admitted, shrugging my shoulders.

“I hear my name” came Ryan’s voice from behind us, his arms landed over our shoulders and he pulled us in to a big bear hug.  “Ah three musketeers, back together again, I missed you guys, although I must say, my summer was awesome!”

Ryan is my other best friend, and a complete clown. I can’t fault him for his friendship though, he is the most loyal friend that happens to be a boy that a girl can hope for. He’d changed a little over the summer, he was definitely taller, and his once shoulder length brown hair was cut short.

“Oh man, I am so glad you guys are back, no more having to work just to get a little human company” I exclaimed.

 We began walking toward the brick jail, bracing ourselves together for our final year of high school.

“So did you hear, apparently there is a new Science teacher, word is, he’s pretty hot too” Louise giggled I looked over at her, my expression a mixture of confused and grossed out.

“How on earth can you have heard a rumour already?” I joked.

“in the car park, apparently Cindy’s mom is friends with the mom of the teacher” she gushed “Man I hope we have him, this place could use some fresh eye candy”

Ryan feigned offense and proclaimed “Hey” holding his hand over his heart “That hurts”

“Relax Casanova, a hot teacher can’t date students, so if anything, he’ll fluster up all the girls and make them all randy for dating… you’re in” I mocked, laughing audibly.

“Well a guy can’t argue that logic now can he” he replied, as we reached our lockers. I smiled, this was the fourth year we’d been best friends, an anniversary of sorts to when we had first met in freshman year. I Opened my own locker and emptied my books in to it.

“So I have English first, how about you guys?” I asked hoping one of them would be with me. Unfortunately my hope was futile, they had all but one class together, and I was only in Science with them, last period.

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