Chapter 27 - Laugh and Punch

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It was closer to 5am before we fell back asleep. I was so tired that I didn’t even dream. When my alarm blared at 7.30am I whacked it and went back to sleep. Even though Mr Shanks had warned me not to miss anymore school I was still so exhausted.

When I finally woke I glanced over at the clock again. 9.29am. ugh.

Matt was up now, so it was just me in bed alone. I looked out the window and groaned at the sunny day. I would be happy to sleep it all away.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked around the room collecting my pajamas. I pulled them on and walked across the hall to the shower. I showered quickly because I was starving and when I left the bathroom in only a towel I was met by Julian. He had a shy smirk on his face and he blushed

“Julian, are you blushing!” I laughed

“No” he said

“You can play Frank in Rocky but you can’t do the walk of shame without blushing. Cute!” I said walking in to my bedroom “I’ll be down soon”

I closed the door and grabbed some clean clothes then headed down stairs. Julian and Jeanie sat at the table, looking much like a long term couple already. Jeanie had her legs laying on JUlians lap as he read the paper with her. I looked in to the kitchen and Matt stood at the oven making pancakes. I smiled and walked up behind him. I wrapped my arms under his and rest my head on his back.

“Morning sleepy head” He whispered placing the spatula down. He turned around and looked down at me. He looked happy, his eyes were dancing and his smile was natural and soothing. He bent down and our lips brushed for a second.

“woah! When did that happen!” Jeanie exclaimed excitedly “You guys were fighting yesterday”

Matt looked over at his sister and narrowed his beautiful blue eyes “You don’t really want to know the in’s and out’s of it all do you?”

“I’m a girl! Of course I do!” Jeanie giggled standing up

“Alright, well you guys can girl chat soon. Right now I am making my babe some breakfast” matt replied, his gaze coming back to me. Much like he always came back to me.

Star crossed we may be, but it was true love.

We all ate together, talking about the play and how Jeanie would have to come back in June to watch it. After breakfast Matt and Julian cleared up while Jeanie and I went to store to stock up on groceries.

“So dish.” She said as soon as we hopped in the car.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh and started the car up.

“I woke up at 3am, it’s been a regular occurance for me the last little while, Matt came down while I was getting a drink and he thought Julian was with me. We argued for a bit and then, well… we made up” I giggled, my skin heating up.

“He really loves you, I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you” Jeanie noted

I smiled and said nothing, but it made me feel warm and fuzzy, and girly.

When we got to the shopping centre where the supermarket was and parked up, we walked passed a small boutique with prom dresses in the window. I glanced at them, they were boufy and pink and sparkly and not me, and I was thankful that prom was going to be a no go for me.

“Ah prom season! I remember it fondly. Quarter back of football asked me and Matt told him that if he bought me home 5 minutes after curfew he’d be waiting with a baseball bat. You going?” Jeanie asked stopping outside the window.

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