Chapter 32 - Blobs.

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“Uh, what?” I whispered, my voice was unsteady and my heart thundered against my chest, I wasn’t ready to explain the baby situation, it hurt that I couldn’t share that with her, but I wasn’t in a place where I could talk about it.

“Oh, nothing… actually I might go change into something a little more comfy... Uh ellie, can I borrow something?” Louise asked, her eyes narrowed and I found myself nodding back at her. At least she wasn’t going to blurt out what she was thinking in front of everyone.

I excused myself and walked to my bedroom. Louise walked behind me, each footstep closer to my bedroom door mean I was that much closer to having to explain something I had still not quite come to terms with myself. I walked into my bedroom and once Louise walked in I closed the door behind us.

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” Louise said without mincing words. I avoided eyes contact with her, afraid she’d be hurt I’d kept it from her. I took a deep breath and nodded.

“Ellie, are you really?”

“Yes, I am” I replied, my throat was dry and the words came out thick and harsh.

Without another word Louise pulled me in to her arms. A few tears escaped my eyes and I had to bite my cheek to stop myself from turning in to a fully blown blithering mess. I pulled back and walked over to my bed.

“I found out three weeks ago. After I fainted.” I explained softly.

Louise sighed deeply and walked over to my bed; she sat next to me, took my hand and simply said “Oh”.

I didn’t have to explain the logistics of the female reproductive system to Louise. She already knew how it worked. We’d had sex Ed together the previous year and while neither of us took the class particularly seriously, we still somehow managed to ace the “sex knowledge” test.

“I’ll be having a DNA test in about 8 weeks. I’ve… we’ve decided the outcome doesn’t matter. I’m going to have the baby. I just want to know who the… I just need time to deal with other outcomes” I stuttered, my voice was breaking under the weight of the words.

“Wow. I mean…. Wow” Louise replied

“Sometimes I wish I could rewind this year Lou” I mumbled “This year has been incredibly hard”

Louise just nodded and squeezed my hand a little tighter.

“You met Matt” She offered

I left my lips curve into a small smile, yes. I’d met Matt he’d been the one good thing to happen to me this year. Nothing could take that away. Sure the road had been rocky… was still rocky.

But I felt love. Real love.

“You’re going to be an amazing mommy” Louise soothed

“I’m scared I’m going to repeat history” I admitted, looking over at the photo of my parents sitting on my bedside table. “Or I am going to over compensate and spend my life living in my child’s pockets.”

“Ellie, all that worry can wait. You have all of us as well. I can’t wait to be Aunty Lou Lou”

I nodded and looked over at her; her face was a mix of worry and excitement. Her eyes were wide and I knew I’d completely shocked her.

“Let’s go back down stairs.” I suggested

“We should probably get changed, since that’s the excuse we used” Louise chuckled.

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