Chapter 12 - Celebration

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We walked across the road to Matt’s pulsar and hopped in.

By 6.57 we were at the restaurant. We found a park and then walked up the footpath toward the the entrance.

“Do you realise how hard it is for me to not put my arm around you right now?” Matt whispered through semi clenched teeth “I want everyone to know that you’re with me”

“Jealous babe?” I teased, poking him in the ribs.


We walked inside and gave the matri de our details. She walked with us over to a table that had Ryan, Louise and Jake sitting at it. I gulped. This was going to be awkward.

Louise’s eyes bulged at me and she patted the seat next to her. In between Jake and her.

I walked over and sat down. Matt sat beside Ryan and Jake.

“wow, you look stunning!” Louise whispered in to my ear.

“Thank my moms extensive wardrobe, you’re most welcome to borrow from there if you like” I replied, looking over at Matt who was making small talk with the boys.

The waitress came and took our drink and meal orders.

“So Mr C…. you’re Brad in this play the girls auditioned for huh” Jake said, a slight hesistance to his voice

“Matt out of school Jake… and yes, I’m Brad” he replied, looking over at Jake. He let his eyes slip to me briefly but clenched his jaw and just as quickly turned away.

“Well she’s Janet…. Isn’t that like wrong?” Jake exclaimed, pointing at me, his voice getting a little angrier “I mean you’re what 30.. and she’s barely 18.”

“I’m 24, and yes she’s 18. It’s a play though Jake… acting” he shot back, this time he looked at me as he said the word ‘acting’ his eyes saying anything but.

“Relax Jake. I can’t stand Matt. So if I manage to pull off looking like I’m in love with the guy, it’s just my insane acting skills” I added, holding back a grin.

Everyone burst out laughing including Matt and I.

Our food came a little while later and louise elbowed me

“You and Matt aren’t shooting barbs at one another” she noted.

“he’s not annoying me right now” I replied.

“if he joined us for a spot of karaoke up the road would he annoy you?”

“You’re kidding right? I mean it’s bad enough we’re eating dinner with the teacher do we want to cross the karaoke line with him too?” I teased, speaking loud enough so his attention was peaked. He looked over at us and cocked his head to the side

“Karaoke?” he questioned

“Yeah, We’re going to head up the road, Now we’ve heard you sing a little it would be cool to hear some more” Louise enthused “Elliot will be kind… so come with us?”

“Uh, sure, sounds like fun” Matt exclaimed

We finished up our dinner, Paid the check and left.

We decided to walk because the place was only a block away. The boys walked ahead of us and louise hooked her arm through mine

“So… Ryan and I…. we’re going to, you know” she said excitedly. I turned and looked at her, I felt genuinely happy that they were at that place, and that she felt she could tell me. guilt hit me though as I realised I couldn’t share my own recent experiences with her.

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