chapter 3 - The Boy

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(in my room)

Lying on my bed with my soft pink covers and cushions staring into space hoping for the best, and they find the man who did this. I hear a stone get thrown off my window i tried to ignore it as i just thought it was kids who wanted to torment me about my face and disfigurement. But it happened a few more times. so i went to the window and to my horror it was Matthew OMG he was the best looking lad in college with his short mousy brown hair and indulging blue eyes, and his smooth voice he was asking me if i could come down so he could have a chat with me. My heart pounding and in utter shock. i said 'yes i will be a minute take a seat on the patio.' As i went downstairs Harley and Jacobi said his that Matthew grey outside. i said 'yes he wants to chat with me' as my face grew redder as i told mum and dad i was talking to Matthew grey on the patio they said 'be careful darling he seems a nice boy but you never know.'

(on the patio)

   As i walked out the double doors to the patio i said to Matthew 'hi how may i help you' in a shy voice as nobody really talks to me with my face. He said to me 'don't be shy and don't worry i wont hurt you i want to ask you a few things if that OK with you.' 'yes that fine' i said,  Matthew explains 'well for along time now i have been admiring you from afar, i wanted to talk to you for a very long time but i did not know how you would react. So i finally built up the courage to talk to you and now i am.' And i smile and he smiles back at me, his smile takes my breath away i feel i like him more than friends but that will never happen for me am a freak. Matthew asks 'anyways you know in a few weeks we have the spring dance at college,' 'i wasn't going to go' i said to him. He said 'i had the feeling you were going to say that but if you changed your mind i would love to go with you and i don't care what anyone will say i like you for whats inside and you are the prettiest girl in the world.' I blush and put my head down thinking to myself is he for real he thinks am pretty what should i say back to him. Are you been serious or are you just trying to pull my leg like all the other people in college and kids and everyone, why would you want to go to a dance with a freak like me. He looks into my eyes and tears roll down my face, he looks deep into my soul and he makes me feel loved wanted. And he says 'you are no freak you a beautiful young lady who i wish to show off to the world and hopefully one day you will be mine and make our own future.' Matthew i see where you are coming from and you are a lovely lad, but i just feel the world is laughing at me and i need to hide away from everyone. I even had to leave college early because people laughing at me. 'Laycee don't be ashamed of who you are am not and will leave it with you to think about the dance whatever you decide will be fine with me and if you don't want to go and its OK with you and your family i would love to come over to spend the time with you and have a take out and maybe have our own little dance out here.' Matthew says so sweet. Thank you Matthew you are so sweet, i will have a think and will let you know. OK Laycee am off now got football with my dad see you soon my lovely. bye Matthew.

As i sat on the patio for a few moment longer for the first time in a long time i felt warm inside, loved and i never smiled so much in my life. But now to go and tell mum and dad and see what they propose i should do. I would love to go to the spring dance i know my brothers will be there but i need a long think and a chat.

As i walk bk into the house mum and dad had a smile on there face OMG Laycee! I cant believe my girl has been asked to go to the spring dance, we are so happy for you. And with Matthew grey he is one of the fit lads from your college as i hear you say. 'yes' i know mum, but what if its all one big joke to make me feel worse than i already do. Laycee darling from what we heard he seems like a lovely boy and i know his dad so he has been brought up just like you three have. All we can do is let you decide and if you do you and mum can go and pick a dress. It has to be the best one for my princess we will support you what ever you decide. thanks dad means a lot well am off to bed now night everyone.

{Grahams Siblings Trilogy Book One Of Three} The Fear Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now