chapter 9 - in the future

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 Nine years down the line everything is great me and Matthew are better than ever, we now live in our own house a nice red brick with white window frames black slated roof and a white front door, with a large grassed back garden and the front is paved and a drive for our car and a white fence and flowers in pots. Feels like heaven and we only moved in a year ago, we have decorated and got everything how we want it with help from both of our family's. Matthew has a job in construction building his brothers enterprise building he has a straight 9-5 job. I work as a nurse at the hospital helping people as i help Matthew some of my days are long others are short depends on the shifts but i love it.

I woke up early on Monday morning at half four feeling sick and not myself. Lucky for us we have a store that is open 24 hrs so i popped across grabbed a few things, as i came to the pregnancy test kits i was thinking to myself i cant be but i will get one just in case just for a little joke. So as i got home took some pills and went to the toilet looking at this test shaking my head this is silly debating weather to do it or not, so i built up the balls to do it and i waited for three minutes not daring to look at it but i popped my head up and looked, i could not believe my eyes i was PREGNANT i checked the leaflet to make sure it was right it was. OMG i ran into our room and jumped onto our bed woke Matthew up and i said 'you need to wake up.' why is everything OK 'yes yes are you awake' yes i am now tell me please 'am PREGNANT we going to have a baby and little me and you.' The expression on his face was shock at first then he smiled and jumped onto the bed shouting AM GOING TO BE A DADDY!!! We could not sleep so we watched TV in bed cuddling each other, Matthew had his hand on my stomach feeling proud. I must of nodded off because the alarm woke me up at 7 am. What are we going to do and say to people what about work, Matthew says 'we will both take the day off see the doctor and get you an appointment for midwife and find out how far you are.' OK that fine with me so Matthew phone my work to say i was unwell been up all night as i did the same for for him.

I rang the doctors and i got an appointment for 10.30 am on that day and they said the midwife was in as well, she could see me so basically we killed two birds with one stone. We got up had breakfast had showers and ready, had a ride to the store as we had an hour before the doctors got a few things baby books ETC. We sat in the doctors waiting and my name came up on the screen, so we walked through the double doors and down the passage and into Dr moor's consulting room. Take a seat he says don't be nerves i understand you have done a pregnancy test at home and came back positive. 'Yes' i said he handed a pot and said can you please go and pee in this pot, i will do another to conform this for our records. so off i went to the toilet did what i had to do come back to the room he had everything ready he did the test, and says congratulations you are going to be parents. I smile and Matthew hugs me, now i will put this on your records and give you a prescription for iron tablets these have to be taken in the first 3 months. 'OK thank you' i say. Now if you go back to the reception they know you are waiting to see the midwife. Matthew shakes doctors hand i smile, back at reception the lady on the desk say if you go through those blue doors and take a seat she will see you shortly. So we sat for a few minutes and out came the midwife, Joan says 'Laycee can you come in please.' We walk into the room i sit, i see the doctor has conformed the pregnancy congratulations to you both. Now i have a few forms for you to fill out just general questions and illness ETC. As i finished filling the forms in she give me a booklet called maternity notes, i had to take this with me to fill in and take to every appointment i need to go to. Now can you lay on the bed for me please i will check your tummy and ask a few questions.

1) When was your last period?

    It was about two month ago but i normally go like that miss a few then have one so i was not concerned.

2) Can you remember the date?

    24/03/2027 yeah that it

3) Is this both your first baby?

    Yes am nervous but excited as well and Matthew is over the moon think still in a bit of shock.

OK thank you for that i will now try and work out how far you actually are, give me a few minutes. OK well it seems you are 2 months and 3 days i want you to have an ultrasound to conform this, i will ring to see if they can see you now, as we can do it all in here now. Yes he can see you now just go a few doors down from me, he will see you straight away. His name is Chris and his order of work is medical Sonographer. OK thank you very much bye.

We reach his door and knock gentle he opens up and says is this Laycee, 'yes' i say. Come and get on to the bed for me and lift your top up and took it under your bra and pull pants down to below your stomach, now i know its your first baby so i will explain everything as i go. OK i look at Matthew he nods i ask him 'are you OK.' 'yes' he says 'i cant wait to see our little one.' Right OK this will be a bit cold,i gasp! I will now run this special machine over to check on baby. As he finds our baby he says everything looks great strong heartbeat and defiantly one baby there. We look at the screen at our baby growing and a few tears full down my cheek, i tightly hold Matthews hands he leans over kisses me on the head, you have made me so proud now i have to do the right thing by you. All full of emotion i didn't take much notice to what he meant. Chris says 'well midwife is correct you are 2 month and 3 days we will have you back in a few weeks when you are 12 weeks for another scan it all normal, then another at 20 weeks and if you would like to know the sex of the baby we could find out for you. Oh that would be lovely, he cleaned my stomach i climb off the bed put myself right he hands me my notes and he says see you soon bye.

We get back into our car get back home sit with a cuppa, we talk about everything and look at the picture of our baby, we are so proud. I don't want to tell anyone till after 12 weeks if that OK, 'yes you will have to take it easy.'

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