chapter 8 - road to recovery

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Matthew was on the road to recovered we were having the best days of our lives everything was going great, both of our family's were great friends as well. All of Matthew tests and exams were coming back that everything is coming back to normal. He was the man i fell in love with even tho he never really changed, just got more upset and angry but he is getting help with that and dealing with it all.

Now 6 months down the line and Matthew is back to normal, he is the funny loving man again as we sit on the sofa watching a horror, film one of my favorite 'nightmare on elm street.' I looked at Matthew and he look at me then all of a sudden his fell back on the sofa and shaking. I was MATTHEW! MATTHEW! what is wrong. So i call mum and dad they come in from the kitchen dad grabbed the phone call an ambulance then phone Matthews parents J and poppy, they rushed over to our house they arrived as we heard the sounds of the ambulance. The paramedics looked at Matthew popped something into his mouth then laid him flat. Done checks then carried him on the bed into the ambulance and away they went to the hospital, j and poppy said 'thank you if you wish to come give us an hour to find out whats going on then come through he will want to see you.' i say 'ok i will.'

As the ambulance drove off my eyes crying like rivers my hands shaking i think to myself he has been doing so well i hope he has not relapse. Am scared for him i need him right now and he needs me but i will soon be there with my love. I head back into the house with my family my brothers hug me so tight i can feel there heartbeats. No one speaks for a good 10 minutes then i open my mouth am going to my room let me know when the car is ready. mum nodded as i sat in my room looking on my phone at our pictures i cry some more confused to what has happened. As it grew closer mum shouted 'car is ready.' So i run down stairs get in car and off we go, feeling apprehensive once again of not knowing. We arrive at the hospital find his ward and see his mum and dad, they tell us 'everything and that it will be OK just has to stay in for a few days.' OK can i see him please 'yes' they say. I walked in he cuddled me, am sorry i scared you but its all going to be fine these tablets will help. 'OK' we talk a little but we have to go, as time is up see you soon babe i love you. Matthew says it back to me in a gentle voice bye.

Now at the hospital doing all these test on him trying to find out what is wrong with him, blood test ETC. Then when everything came back it turned out since the accident as we thought he was getting better which he is, but he now has fits so they start to give him the right medicine. And he was coming around he seen his parents, and asked 'for me' his mum said 'she will be here soon she is really worried about you just as we all are, just rest son it all will be fine.' 

{Grahams Siblings Trilogy Book One Of Three} The Fear Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now