Chapter 22

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Violet's POV

Apparently a whole lot can go wrong in a carpool. As if I won a bumper lottery ticket for problems, I landed in another one. As we drove to office, we discussed the issue about fight. Cameron agreed to cover it up for me and Jason. I made sure to apply some concealer at his slightly black eye that successfully hid it enough. Strangely our car was chased by a few papz who clicked us.

Shit! What the hell is happening in my life?

They asked stupid questions like- "Are you playing Jason with your secret lover?" Gesturing towards Cameron. "Did the boys fought because of you?" "Are you responsible for Jason's break up?" "Are you two hooking up?" "Who is Jason to you?" "When is the engagement?"

I felt like face palming at the last one. Cameron somehow sneaked me inside. I thanked him and sighed. I tried so hard not to cry at the cheap accusations they made on me. Cameron noticed it and hugged me tightly, I broke down into his arms. He let me cry there and when I felt better, we finally walked to our desks and started working. I was in a horrible mood already and then I got a call from my dad approximately at lunch time.

"Hello?" my voice came too weak for my liking.

"When am I getting the news that you're pregnant?" my heart dropped.

"What do you-"

"You know exactly what I mean! You better stop being a slut and stay away from that douche before I forget I am your dad and personally come to kill you for destroying the family name."

"Excuse me! He is my friend and sorry to inform you but you are my father not my dad! I am not your slave and I will do whatever the hell I want with my life!"

I hung up on him before he could say another word. I blinked back tears that stung in my eyes. Soon I got another call from Abhi my bro who took me to Jason's concert. We weren't on talking basis these days as he was angry on me for leaving India. I tried to convince him but he being overprotective, didn't approve. I knew he cared too and I knew he would contact me as soon as he gets normal.

"Hey." I smiled at his voice.

"How are you?"

"I should ask that!" his tone went 180 degree. I winced.

"What happened?"

"What happened my foot Vi! What the hell is happening? Why are you involved in all the crap huh? Why the hell am I coming across all this nonsense about you on news?" my jaw dropped. If I wasn't crying earlier than I was definitely crying now.

"I thought at least you will understand." I mumbled before hanging up. He called me again. And again. And again. I finally switched off the phone.

Two phone calls to break your heart in less than an hour! Way to go!

As much as I resisted the urge, I found myself sitting in front of my computer, checking what the tabloids are screaming.

Blakely beats a guy for his new arm candy.

Meet Jason's new side hoe for whom he dumped poor Ashley.

'Gangster' Blakely involved in a brawl over alleged girlfriend.

The 'hero' Jason almost assaults a paparazzi when asked about his new fling and the boy he assaulted.

Serious assault charges if reported, may land Blakely in prison.

My heart stopped. I felt guilty. Guilty of leading Jason in the centre of negativity. I felt horrible knowing that he had to go through all this because of me. I told him that I will only hurt him and see what I have done. When did I became so selfish?

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