Chapter 26

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Jason's POV

"Come on Jason!" Violet whined.

I shook my head stubbornly. I didn't care if I was acting like a 5 year old but I was adamant and nothing, I mean nothing will change my mind about-

"What is with you and malls eh?" I gave Nathan a glare before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Glass doors!" Violet pointed out with an eye roll.

I groaned as memory flashed in my mind. It never ends well when I go to mall as me and glass walls are not on really amazing terms since eternity.

"Ugh! Stop whining Blakely and just come with us already! We have lot of Christmas shopping to do." it is ironical that I didn't even say a word since the beginning of conversation and both of these idiots were whining like crazy kids they are.

I huffed after deep consideration.


Nate narrowed his eyes at me. He knew me too well.

"Whats the catch eh?"

"Violet will come with me on Christmas holidays to my home, back in Orlando. Deal?"

"NO!" "Yes!" both of them said at once and it doesn't take genius to know who said what.

I smirked.

"Uh-huh baby doll, you don't have no choice. I already made my mind."

"What makes you think I will cave in?" She frowned.

"Hey! I know for a reason that you have never celebrated Christmas plus I don't see you going back home and thus I don't wanna leave you alone and..."

"And?" she narrowed her eyes. I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I kinda want you to come wimme. I wanna show you mah home town and Xav was missing you." I rolled my eyes at last part.

She pinched my cheek taking me by surprise. I went wide eyed but covered it up with a glare as I swatted her hands away.

"Aww! That's sho shweet Jashon!" she giggled at her attempt of baby voice. I held back a smile with an eye roll.

"If you two are done here, can we go and shop?" Nate snapped in annoyance, shaking his head.

We gave him identical sheepish smiles before rolling our eyes at his back.

Nathan started driving and soon we were parking in Macy's. Nate got out of car first and as soon as he did, Vi and I groaned.

"I don't even like shopping!" we both said at same time.

"Don't copy me." again.

"Me?" and again.

"You're copying me!" and again.

"Stop!" and again.

"Shut up!" and again.

"Shut up!" and- Oh Nate!

He glared at both of us and we both jumped out of car at once.

"It's your fault." Vi whispered.


"Don't even dare deny it."


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