Chapter 35

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Violet's POV

"Cameron!" I shouted and he ignored me. "Cameron, wait up!"

I ran after him and tugged him back with his jacket.

"What?" he furrowed his eyebrows to feign dumbness but I knew better than that.

"You come with me." I spoke through gritted teeth as I towed him to my house.

Its been a week after holidays. Everything was perfect. I and Jason were going strong. All our close friends knew and approved of us. Nathan even demanded to be entitled as godfather for our future kids. Jason and I had our official first date which we spent cuddled on his sofa watching a slide show that Nathan made of our old pics, together. Jason said that he would have made the slideshow but then he would have already enjoyed it and he wanted to recall every moment with me by his side. Not to mention it was a really cute idea and I laughed so much at our crazy memories. I ended up staying the night as I fell asleep on sofa with him.

But somewhere between all this, the equations changed and I noticed Cam's peculiar behaviour. He smiled less. Every time he saw any of us including me outside house or in office, he would turn away. He looked like hell broke loose with week old stubble and bags under his eyes. It was as if he suddenly became distant and pushed all of us away. I of all people knew the art of pushing everyone out of your life and I swore on my life to not let Cam do that.

"What's up with you?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked everywhere but me.

"What's up with me?"

"For the love of god, stop doing this! Just tell me what's wrong?"

He sighed and looked at me as if studying me. I could practically hear gears in his head weighing the pros and cons of telling me.

"You trust me right?" I bit my lip and looked away, wounded that he has to think about trusting me.

"Hey." He cupped my cheek and made me look at him. "I trust you. You're my best friend. I-I am just scared about your reaction."

"Don't be." I took his hand and squeezed it in reassurance. He took a deep breath and dropped the biggest bomb on me.

"I-I am l-leaving this country."

My hand immediately left his and fell limp on my side. He winced at lack of warmth but I was way more stuck by his confession to care.

"W-why?" my voice came out as a hopeless whimper that sounded so foreign to even my ears. He engulfed me in a hug and rubbed my back.

"Did I do something? If I did, I-I am so-" I broke down into tears.

"Shh. Why do you think you did something?"

"Y-you are ignoring me so..."

"God, I am so stupid. I thought that if I will be able to live here without talking to all of you than it will be much easier to live somewhere else without you people there. I was trying to get used to it."

"But w-why?"

"Violet." His voice literally broke my heart. "My gran- my Granma died 3 days ago because of cancer. She was the only family I had. I never told you but I am an orphan. My parents died in flight crash and she was-she-" I hugged him tighter and bit back my sobs to be strong for him. "She didn't tell me about her illness. I just got a call from an acquaintance there that my gran died. She-I-"

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