Chapter 20

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Jason's POV

It's was Tuesday, 2 days after the picnic and mom invited Vi for dinner. I drove to her house to pick her up. Xav insisted on coming but honestly, I was a bit jealous of him as he gets to cuddle and play with her. Yeah he too has a crush on her. How unexpected! Note the sarcasm. Please.

I pulled in her driveway and walked to her door. I was about to knock when I heard yelling from inside, I panicked and before I could move, door flew open revealing Cameron. I cussed gritting my teeth. I could see that Vi was throwing him out of house. The jerk-head immediately panicked seeing me and Vi froze. The moment I looked at her, she looked away and rubbed her eyes.

He made her cry. Again.

"You are dead!" I spoke through gritted teeth. I didn't even notice how angry I got until I gripped him by collar and dragged him to the front lawn before throwing him away. He tripped slightly but gained his balance.

"I can explain Bla-" I punched him square in the face.

"Jason no! Jason!" Vi tried to relax me but it was too late.

Vi was crying, I could feel. She was panicking and yelling at me to stop but honestly all the supressed anger was coming out and I couldn't handle it. He didn't hit back, just rubbed his jaw and winced. I charged towards him again and this time the sound of crack conformed a broken nose.

"Shit!" he winced. His nose was bleeding and he had a cut on his lips too.

"Touch her again and you are dead!" I warned in a threatening tone. His jaw locked in anger and he got up, pushing me back hard.

"She is not your property dude! Mind your own business!"

I officially lost it and charged another punch that hit his jaw. He punched back immediately. Before I could land another, Vi came in front of him. Again.

"Jason leave!" She yelled. I opened my mouth to speak but she silenced me as she raised her hand. "Leave!" her voice cracked.

I gave her a look of disbelief and looked away, clenching my fists and gritting my teeth. "Fine." I snapped venomously.

Without even turning back, I walked to my car and as I drove away I saw Vi holding his hand and taking him in.

Why him?

Violet's POV

He walked away. Again. I know I told him to go but I still felt bad. He needs to understand that loosing temper won't make things better

"Let me do the first aid." I sighed and wiped the tears away before taking Cameron's hand and tugging him inside.

I sat him on couch and brought the first aid kit before settling opposite him. Taking some antiseptic in cotton, I cleaned his wound. He will definitely have a black eye in the morning. I gently cleaned his lips and he winced.

"I am sorry. You fought again because of me." I didn't replied. He owed this apology for literally screwing my friendship with Jason even when I know that he only involuntarily instigated it.

He sighed. "Vi please just listen to me. Just once?" I felt bad for him. I was mad at him for choosing the time when Jason was coming, to apologize to me so I tried shooing him away. I cried because I remembered the dreadful night. But Jason, he took it too far and now the poor guy is beaten up because of me.

"Make it quick." I didn't even look at him.

"See I am sorry. I should have known that you are not one of the girls who would just go and kiss any random guy and I was... I was pretty much wasted with all the drinks. I am sorry that I let you go and you had to go through all of the crap because I fudging let you go! I am sorry Vi. I really don't want to lose a friend like you. Please?"

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