chapter 9

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Jason's POV

I was surfing through TV channels making myself at home when she returned after having a shower. She was wearing a simple grey tank top with red plaid shirt and rugged denim jeans. Her hair were damp, giving them a darker shade. Her left wrist was covered with bracelets and right one had a watch.

She is so damn perfect!

"Am I looking correct?" my assumption will be that she caught me checking her out again and this made her feel self-conscious.

I cleared my throat and tried playing along. "I was wondering why you didn't wear some dress and make up." I smirked.

"Oh that." She waved her hands dismissively and continued. " well...I am very moody. I dress up according to my mood. Like sometimes I feel total badass tomboy and sometimes I feel like a delicate princess. That's how I dress and well today I feel like a total I-don't-give-a-shit kinda chicka. So you see..." She winked and paused for a few seconds before continuing "I didn't wanted to feign somebody I am not in front of people I look up to."

Suddenly the playfulness in my eyes was replaced by respect for the girl in front of me.

I gave her a genuine smile which she returned almost immediately, warming my insides.

"Yeah whatever. Enough with heart to heart stuff. Let's get going already." She rolled her eyes and started heading towards the door. I pushed myself up from couch and followed behind. She suddenly stopped halfway and turned abruptly, almost bumping into me.

"Jason, the moment I will step out of this house, I will be judged. Don't take me wrong but I know that papz will make up stories about us and Blakers will go mad. It will be okay on my side but are you really willing to risk your reputation for me?"

The word 'me' slipped from her tongue as if it was an obscenity and that made me wince. Her interest in floor was way too much for my liking as her eyes never met mine. She was clearly nervous in admitting her insecurities as she kept nibbling her lip and tapping her right foot impatiently. Something that only nervousness drives her to do.

Long gone is the violet who just left me spell bound with confidence. Right in front of me was the vulnerable innocent girl who put others in front of her.

I slid a finger under her chin and forced her to look in my direction. "I am ready to face anything as long as I have amazing friends like you around me." I made sure to stress on 'friends' so that she knows I was not kidding.

She half smiled and nodded. I took her hand in mine and walked out of her house, ignoring the sparks that flew everywhere because of simple touch. I quickly ushered her into car knowing that those sneaky privacy invaders could be hiding and waiting.

The drive to my home was silent. Just occasional glances or comments on songs radio blared. I finally complemented her on how great she was at cooking for the breakfast she offered me knowing that I completely made fool of myself after running like a maniac without even thanking.

When I finally pulled in my driveway, I saw her jaw resting comfortably on floor as she took in the large mansion ahead of us. I chuckled.

"I swear its better inside. Though it's a shame that it is rented."

She nodded and smiled, clearly unable to think of a better reaction. I shook my head.

It's gonna take lot of hard work in breaking this hesitation and formality. I mentally noted.

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