Chapter 15

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Jason's POV


With this one word, a huge wave of fury and rage hit me. My jaw locked, my fists were clenched so tightly that my knuckles turned white, my ears went hot and I could feel my nose flare.

"I am gonna kill that bastard!" I spoke through gritted teeth not to anybody in particular but me.

I turned and was about to move when Vi grabbed my arm. I almost forgot her presence. I felt my body relax a bit at the contact.

"Listen to me first, please Jason." She pleaded. I couldn't help but turn and face her. Her face was pale and drained of blood. Her eyes were begging me to stay and on looking closely, I saw a huge amount of fear. Fear of worse. I unclenched and clenched my fists to relax.

"What did he do?" I tried my best to sound less intimidating but that didn't seem to work as she lowered her eyes and pressed her lips in a thin line. I lost my cool.

"Violet I asked what he did!" I shouted. She was startled as she jumped, taken aback by my sudden outburst. But it wasn't because of her, it was because of the jerk who got her in this position.

I sighed and reached for her hand. I gave it an assuring squeeze and offered her a forced smile.

"Promise me that you won't do anything out of anger." I hesitated at first as I didn't wanted anything more than beating the daylight out of that ass-hat. But then I saw her pleading, scared irises and changed my mind.

"Fine." I mumbled. She sighed in relief.

"Today the moment I got in office, I found out that Cameron happens to be my new office mate. He just moved here from London and was new to office. He knew only me there so he practically stayed around me whole day. Including office party. I don't drink so I turned his offer for drink down but he kept chugging one after another. I told him not to but he didn't listen to me. He soon lost his senses and dragged me for a dance, it was fun to see drunk Cameron at first but soon he leaned closer to me, interfering my personal space. I... I was confused. I... I didn't wanted to, but I leaned closer and I... I..."

I froze. She kissed him? My heart raced, my stomach turned into an unhealthy knot. She was clearly hesitating to say next word and that somehow broke my heart.

Please say you didn't. I internally begged.

"You?" I tried to keep it normal but my voice cracked. I could feel my eyes pleading for a denial.

"I... it didn't just seemed right somehow. So I backed off." I felt relieved but I knew this isn't it. I prepared myself for worst.

"His eyes went wide when he realised what he just tried to do but I was too confused to think straight. I left the party before he had a chance to come to me. I was in tears for my stupidity. I led him on. I didn't knew where I was walking. My phone wasn't working and soon I was in middle of nowhere. There was no one. I got scared and ran everywhere to find somebody who can help. Then I found a guy, he was smoking. I hesitantly went to him and asked for directions. He told me that he will walk me to main road so that I can take cab from there. But instead he took me to a deserted building. His friends came out. They... they were all so dirty. They... they tried to they..."

I engulfed her in a hug.

"Shh. They are gone. They won't come back. I won't let anybody hurt you. Ever. I promise."

I promise.

"They... they tried to... I was almost... almost." She broke down again. I rubbed her back soothingly.

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