13. How He Reacts When You're In A Car Crash (His P.O.V)

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I rushed into the hospital after getting a call saying that my baby was in a bad car accident. I rushed up to the desk asking for her room.

"202." The lady said pointing down the long hallway.

I ran as fast as I could to her room. When I walked in the doctor was just walking out. I looked at her laying on the bed. She looked so peaceful and small. It broke my heart to see her like this. I walked up to the bed and sat in the chair. I was afraid to touch her, afraid I might hurt her or something. I hesitantly grabbed her hand and held it in both of mine. Her hand was cold and soft, yet warm at the same time. I looked at her face and couldn't stop the tears from falling. If it wasn't for her chest rising and falling I would've thought she was dead. Just thinking about that made me cry harder and shake with fear. The door opened and the doctor walked back in.

"Is s-she going to be okay?" I asked not taking my eyes off of her.

"She'll be fine. She had to have some stitches and she'll definitely be sore for a while but, nothing too bad." He said writing stuff down.

I sighed in relief but, couldn't make the sadness and fear go away.


"What do you mean I can't see her!? I'm her boyfriend! I have the right-" I was cut off by the lady at the desk.

I had gotten a call saying my baby girl was in a car accident and they won't let me see her. I was so scared and sad but, right now I was mostly mad. Angry tears fell down my face as I continued to yell at the poor lady. If it weren't my baby girl in the hospital I would've felt bad for yelling at the lady.

"I'm sorry but if you don't stop I'm going to have to call security." She said picking up to phone.

"I have every right to see her!" I yelled some more. I was terrified.

What if she died and I didn't get to say good bye? What if she woke up and I wasn't there? I was brought out of my thoughts when two big burly men came over and picked me up and taking me outside. I was appalled! I couldn't see my poor baby girl! I sat on the side of the building crying, wanting to hear that she was okay.


I was yelling at Zayn to drive faster. We were on our way to the hospital. My princess had gotten into a car accident and was rushed to the hospital. I was sleeping when they called but, they left a voice mail and my heart shattered when I heard it. When we got inside the desk lady told us to sit and wait because the was currently in surgery. My heart stopped and I froze. Surgery. It was that bad. Surgery. Zayn pulled me over to a chair and forced me to sit. I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. She was on her way to my house for dinner. I caused this, I caused my princess to have to have surgery just to live! Zayn rubbed my back but, it didn't help. My princess could die and it would be my fault! The pain washed over me like a giant wave. I couldn't help the loud uncontrollable sobs that came. My poor princess. I'm so sorry!


Her family and I were sitting in the waiting room. My kitten had gotten into a car accident on her way house from my house. I couldn't help but blame myself. If I would've driven her home. I sighed and shook my head.

"Harry please stop blaming yourself. It wasn't her fault. It wasn't your fault. It was the drunk driver who hit hers fault." Her mom kept telling me, rubbing my back. It was my fault. I knew she wasn't a very good driver at night, and I still let her drive herself home! The doctor came out.

"She'll be fine. She just had to stay here for the night, so we can run some more tests, and make sure everything stays fine." He said smiling and walking away.

Relief washed over me. Then as I started to walk out, the pain and guilt snuck it's way back into my brain and heart. I sat in my car all night crying for my kitten.


I held her cold, soft hand in my two shaky ones. My boo got in a car accident about an hour ago. I panicked when it happened. She was driving us to the mall to spend some time together when the other car ran right into her side of the car. Instead of calling the ambulance, I picked her up and ran the 3 miles to the hospital. When we got there they took her into a room to see the damage and what not. I insisted that I was fine but they checked me out anyway. I had to get 3 stitches but, that was it. I was able to see my boo after they finished. She had to have 35 stitches and she had a broken wrist. I laid my head on the edge of the bed waiting, praying, hoping. I kissed her forehead.

"Please, boo, please be okay." I repeated over and over again through the night.

Sorry they're short! I had slight writer's block on what to write. I hope you like it!

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