50. You Kidnap Him Part Two

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He had been here for three weeks now. He had convinced her to tell him her name, saying if she knew his it was only fair for him to know her's. In these three weeks he had actually gotten to know Y/N. He's had plenty of opportunities to escape. She leaves the door unlocked at all times and doesn't tie him up anymore. She's had guests over and he could have yelled for help. He's no longer scared of her or what she planned to do to him. 

The only thing he's scared of is the fact that he's falling in love with her. He doesn't want to love her. She's kidnapped him, taken him away from his life, against his will. He tries to think of Sophia, but when he does Y/N invades his mind. He knows he shouldn't love his kidnapper, but when she walks in the room he can't help but to feel at home. 


He refuses to talk. She tries to start conversation all the time or ask him questions, but he just stares at her. It's been one month and he's afraid if he doesn't talk soon then he'll forget how to. He feels guilty and mean when she walks away with a sad, defeated look on her face when he won't open his mouth, but at the same time he feels like she deserves it. She had practically told him her whole life story when she would come down to feed him or ask if needed anything or to untie him for a few hours. 

He learned why she was so attached to him and why she felt so safe just hearing his voice. He thought she exaggerated some parts until one afternoon. He heard heavy knocking coming from outside his door. Y/N answer the door and he immediately heard yelling from a male voice. 

"God, can you ever answer your fucking phone!?" He sounded beyond pissed. 

"I'm sorry, I just didn't hear it-" Y/N was cut off by the sound of something being thrown.

The sound of whimpering or crying could faintly be heard by Zayn. It made him cringe. The yelling went on for what felt like hours before he heard a door slam shut and silence follow it. After a few minutes he saw his door open and Y/N walk in with her head down and a plate in her hand. 

"Sorry it took so long. A visitor stopped by." She spoke so quietly he almost couldn't hear her. 

He wanted to ask what all the yelling was about. He wanted to ask her so many things. When she set the plate down he grabbed her wrist before she could walk away. She turned to look at him with a look of confusion on her face. That's when he saw the decent sized red mark already forming into a bruise on her cheek. She noticed what he was staring at. 

"It always happens when I don't answer the phone." She whispered.

He leaned up and ever so gently kissed the bruised cheek. He pulled away only to see her eye wet with unshed tears and a small smile on her face.


She was a talker. For a month and a half her voice is the only one he's heard. And the scary thing? He wasn't too sad about it. She had a beautiful voice that he truly loved hearing. She talked about every topic possible. Her favorite thing to talk about was animals. She absolutely loved animals. He'd seen her own pets many times while here.

He can remember the first time he met her pet bunny. He had woken up to find a tiny bunny laying on his chest staring at him. He thought it was the cutest bunny ever, and he doesn't even like them all that much. Y/N had come running in all frantic. She was so caring about animals. He couldn't help but smile at the memory.

He was slowly becoming very fond of Y/N. And he hated it. But he couldn't stop it. 


She hoped enough. It's been two months and Louis can't get her out of his head! It's not like he just woke up one day and thought to himself 'Oh hey I'm in love with Y/N!'. No. It was a slow progressive thing. And he hated it. He was supposed to be in love with Eleanor!

His thoughts were interrupted when she walked in the room dress a beautiful dress and shoes. Of course she always looked beautiful to Louis. She stood there looking nervous.

"Um, I'm going to untie you. I've got to leave for a bit and I don't want you to be stuck in here all night. P-please don't leave though." The last part was barely a whisper.

"Where are you going?" She couldn't be that dressed up just to go to the store. 

She looked down at her feet. "My friend set me up on a blind date..." She was starting to blush.

She can't possibly be going on a date! He loved her! He suddenly felt very protective of Y/N. After she untied him he pulled her down into a searing kiss. When he pulled away she stood on wobbly legs and a flustered face. He felt satisfied now.


It didn't even feel like he was kidnapped. She was so sweet to him, always talked to him so he wasn't lonely, got him whatever he needed, made him laugh; a lot. He'd been held captive for four months. He did wonder if anybody was worried or looking for him. But he only thought about that when he was alone, which wasn't often. He loved her company. She was truly a lovely girl and he was truly falling for her. He knew that he'd at least like her. He likes anybody that's nice to him. And Y/N was more than nice to him. She was perfect.

She was telling him a story from her childhood, but he wasn't paying attention. He was busy watching her. How her lips formed the words, how she talked with her hands, how much expression she showed when telling a story or listening. She was all he wanted to think about anymore. This time, he didn't mind being kidnapped.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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