45. Another Band Member Tells Him You're Depressed Part One

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You couldn't believe that after all this time, you were able to hide the pills. It wasn't even that you were trying to hide them or anything. You just never thought to tell anybody. When Zayn came downstairs with the bottel in his hand you turned red.

"Have you told, Harry?" He asked. You just shook your head no. "Are you going to tell him?" He asked with an accusing look on his face. Once again you just shook your head no.

"Why not? He has a right to know." You didn't understand why he was making such a big deal out of this.

"I just don't really think it matters. Weather he knows or not, I'll still be depressed." Zayn gave you a hard stare, "either you tell him, or I will."


People already thought you were a freak and hated you because you were in a happy relationship with Louis. The last thing you wanted was for the world to know you were depressed. You didn't want Louis to know either. He'd break up with you just like your last boyfriend did. When Liam dropped the little orange bottle in your lap, you froze. You waited and waited for the jokes and mean names to start. But when you looked up at Liam all you saw was sadness. 

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked.

"Because I didn't want to get made fun of for this too." You mumbled looking back down.

"Does Louis at least know.?" He sat down next to you.

"No..." You trailed off, "I didn't want him to break up with me because of it." A tear slid down your cheek.

"He wouldn't do that and if you don't believe me then you'll find out soon." He stood up, taking the pills, and walked away.


You actually told Niall on your own. You two were having a confession night and telling him you were depressed was yours. He didn't say anything. He just hugged you. You don't know why you never told anyone, you just didn't. You dind't really think it was anybody's business but yours. Niall told you a few minutes later during a movie that he texted Zatn about your confession.


Harry seemed more surprised when he found out, than you did when the doctors told you. You thought it was a little over-dramatic when he started crying. When he starting babying you, you drew the line.

"How come you haven't told Niall?" He asked. 

"Because it's nobody's business but mine." You replied easily.

"But, what if you have kids and they get depression from you?" He asked. You just rolled your eyes and sighed.

"I'm gonna tell Niall" Harry said with determination.

"Okay." Was your simple reply.


"How long have you had it?" Louis asked looking away from the television.

"Since I was 11, I think." You said, not looking away from your book.

"What's it like?" He asked quietly.

You thought for a minute, " it's like some days you're okay and other days you feel nothing at all. Like you just want to curl up in bed and disappear..." You trail off.

"Can I tell Liam?" He asked.

"I'd rather you not. He worries too much. He'd probably think I'm dying." You said, closing your book.

Sorry it took so long to update! I'll get part two up, hopefully, by the weekend. :)

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