17. He Sees Someone Flirt With You At School

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He was running a little late picking you up from school today. When he pulled up he saw you standing there looking very annoyed. First he thought it was his fault, then he saw the jock next to you flirting with you, well trying to. He could tell you were about to snap when you rolled your eyes. He honestly thought the whole scene was kind of funny. So finally Louis made his way over to you and pulled you in for a kiss, completely ignoring the other boy.

"Sorry I'm late, babe." He said kissing you again. And just to make it clear to the jock who you were with, he squeezed your butt.


He was never one for confrontation, so when he saw someone flirting with you and trying to touch you, he didn't know what to do. He could tell you were uncomfortable. So instead of leaving after dropping you off at school, he walked up to you and hugged you to his chest.

"I'd leave her alone if I were you. She cleary doesn't like you and is already with someone. If I find out you continue to bother her there are four other boys, besides myself, that care very much about her and they won't hesitate to hurt you." He said. You were shocked. Harry kissed you and left.


He was kind of amused watching this kid two grades under you trying to flirt with you. He stood by some lockers for five minutes watching you try to nicely reject the kid. When the boy grabbed your butt is when Zayn stepped in. He walked over and put his arm around your shoulders.

"Sorry kid but, I'm the only one was gets to touch her." Zayn said. And to prove his point, Zayn slipped his hand in your back pocket as you two walked away.


He's never really been in this situation before. He was currently watching an upper classman flirt with you. Niall didn't know what to do. The guy looked kind of scary in Niall's opinion. The only thing that came to mind was getting you away from him. So that's what he did. He walked up to you, picked you up, and quickly walked away.

"Sorry, Princess, but he was flirting with you... and he was scary." He said putting you down an holding your hand.


This has happened more times than he could count. Another guy coming up to you and start flirting with you. And Liam does the same thing every time. He waits until you reject the guy and walks away from him, then Liam will take you home and spend the rest of the day with you. But today the guy wouldn't give up. So when you finally made your way to Liam, he turned around and stuck his tongue out at the rejected boy.

Sorry it took so dang long. School has been busy. And sorry it's not my best work but, I hope you still enjoy reading it! <3

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