49. You Kidnap Him Part One

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There weren't many times in his life where he was truly scared to death. When he was fully conscious, a massive throbbing ache was in his head.

"Do you want some Advil? I hit your head pretty hard. Sorry about that by the way, you struggled a lot so I had to do something."

He was completely speechless. It was sinking in that this wasn't a joke; he was actually kidnapped.

"You were passed out for about 32 hours. You must be pretty hungry." He couldn't see who was talking, but he knew it must've been a female.

"Here." A fork with mashed potatoes was held in front of his mouth. He didn't realize until now how hungry he was.

"I can't let you feed yourself so..." The voice trailed off. It was silent for what felt like hours.

"Why?" It was barely a whisper but, he finally said something.

"Because I love you." Is all the voice said.


He felt a soft touch on his forehead when he finally came to. He looked around but saw blackness. It didn't take long for him to realize he was blind folded. His heartbeat picked up as did his breathing.

"Shh..." A soft voice shushed him as a hand ran through his hair.

"You're okay. Just rest, it's been a hectic day for you." The voice spoke quietly.

"Where am I?! Who are you!?" he said frantically.

"You're in your new home." The voice spoke from above him.

"Who are you?" He asked again.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but right now you need to calm down, okay?" The voice spoke before he felt a soft kiss on his cheek.


"I-is it money you want?" He asked again.

"Silly boy, I've already told you I don't want money."

"Then what do you want?" He asked, trying to free his hands from their confinement. He had been kidnapped after leaving a store late one night. It feels like it's been forever but from the clock on the wall he's only been here for a day and a half.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" The voice questioned.

He sighed, "I just want to be let go." He hung his head.

"I'm sorry, Niall, but that's the one thing I can't give you."


He knew he had to stay calm. He can't freak out, not now. He wasn't that worried about his kidnapper hurting him because, from what he saw, his kidnapper was merely a girl. A fragile looking one at that.

"You'll never get away with this." He said softly.

"I'm pretty confident." She said quietly.

"Why'd you do it?" He asked, his eyes following her shadow.

She stopped, "Because I love you."

He shook his head, "You can't love someone you don't know."

She walked closer to him, "But I do know you, Louis, I know you very well." She sounded almost anxious.

"And I only hope that you can get to know me so you can love me, too." She said, a hint of sadness in her voice.


He had experience in this kind of thing. He knew he wouldn't be here very long. He just sat still and let the girl finish tying his hands and legs to the chair he was sat in. 

"Are you comfortable? Is the duct tape too tight?" He was kind of confused as to why she cared/

"They're fine." he said looking up at her. She stood there for a moment longer before sitting down next to him.

"You're not holding me here for a ransom, are you?" He asked.

"No, no, never... I just, well, I just... wanted you. I love you and I knew I'd never meet you or get your attention, so..."

"You kidnapped me." He finished for her.

"Yeah." She said quietly.

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