21. His Nickname For You

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He calls you his Baby Bug or Love Bug. When he first started calling you these you were kind of weirded out. Your first thought was 'Why would you call someone you love, a bug?' But the nickname slowly started growing on you. You think it's absolutely the most adorable thing ever!


He calls you his Wrecking Ball. You didn't think much of it until you found out why he calls you this. You asked him one day and his only reply was " Because you are the clumsiest person I know." But with the smile he had on his face when he told you you know it's out of love and adoration. And besides, it's 100% true.


From the day you said yes to being his, he has called you his Little Ladybug. You couldn't understand why until he pointed out the obvious. Ladybugs are red and black. Those happen to be your two favorite colors and the two colors you wear the most. "It fit the best." He said when he told you.


AC is his nickname for you. It bothered you because you had no clue why he would call you that! You asked him mnay times, but, his only reply was "Absolute Cutest." You finally asked him what that was supposed to mean. "You're absolutely the cutest person I've ever met in my life. You're my absolute cutest, AC." He said.


Little Red. He has called you that since before you can remember. You had an idea as to why this was your nickname but, you weren't positive. "You always wear something red like little red riding hood." He said, "It fits you."

This is just a filler! I am working on my two part preference! Don't worry! Sorry it takes me so long to update!

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