25. Something He Loves About You

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He loves how when you read you always have to push your glasses up because they always slide down your nose. He thinks it's the most adorable thing ever! You don't even stop reading. You just push them back into place.


He loves watching all the different hand movements you do when you talk. You can't say one sentence without making some kind of hand motion and he loves that about you. He always tells you it shows how into it you are.


You hum no matter what you're doing! He's always loved your voice, so hearing you hum a random tune or your favorite song is one of his favorite things. You have a soothing voice and it sounds so pretty to him when you hum. He loves it!


He loves how you are always playing with you necklace. You could be having a conversation or playing a game. It doesn't matter. You are always twisting it around and twirling it between you fingers. It distracts him sometimes but, he loves it!


He loves the face you make when you are consentrating. He says it's cute and funny. You'll tilt your head to the side, your eyebrows scrunch up, and your tongue pokes out to one side of your mouth.

Just something short to keep you guys entertained!

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