Chapter Eighteen

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For the next couple of weeks, they'd fallen into a steady routine together. At least two days out of the week, Emma would bring Regina lunch at precisely one in the afternoon and they'd spend majority of it finding new ways, new positions to have sex, sometimes forgetting to eat whatever Emma had brought for lunch completely. Three nights out of the week, Regina would come to the cottage for dinner and stay until ten before leaving.

On weekends, specifically Saturday nights, Emma would spend it at Regina's house now that her mother had moved back into her own home shortly after the first time Emma had brought Regina lunch at her office. They wouldn't sleep until the early hours of the morning, spending most of the night making love together in Regina's bed and when the morning rolled around, Regina would make her breakfast in bed and they'd spend the rest of the time making love again before Emma left just before noon to go back to the cottage and spend time with Henry and Ruby.

It felt like it had before, years ago, and it didn't feel like they had spent all those years apart, especially not when seeing each other had quickly become a regular occurrence. After a month of being in Storybrooke, it had started to feel like home to Emma and that very feeling scared her because she knew how hard it was going to be when she had to leave Regina behind in Storybrooke and go back home to New York with Henry.

When it came to Henry, Regina was still distant with him, but she was slowly coming around, talking to him a little more over dinner, asking him questions in an attempt to get to know him a little bit better. Emma always carefully watched the two of them interacting and she still didn't know why Regina was still hesitant to become more comfortable around her son, aside from the obvious reason that was the fact that Henry was the product of date rape and the end of their own relationship so long ago. Was that why Regina acted like she couldn't stand to be around him most of the time? Emma didn't know how to ask her that, didn't know if she should even bring it up because over the last couple of weeks, they hadn't talked about their past, choosing to leave it where it was and focus on the here and now.

They had talked about a lot of things, but the past was something they hadn't talked about since just before they'd gotten back together. It wasn't just the past they didn't talk about. They never talked about what would happen after Emma went back home to New York City at the end of the summer. Emma had thought about it a lot and there was no doubt in her mind that Regina was thinking about it as well.

And today had been different since the moment Regina showed up at the cottage door at eight in the morning. It was a holiday and she didn't have to work and she didn't want to be alone, so she had told Emma when she had opened the door, surprised to see Regina standing there and dressed far more casually than she'd ever seen her before. She told Emma she wanted to take her riding, and it confused Emma at first just what she meant until Regina asked if she thought Henry might enjoy coming along as well to ride her horses through the trails that surrounded the small stable they were now pulling up to, Emma behind the wheel of the yellow Bug, Regina in the seat next to her and Henry in the backseat with Ruby.

She didn't tell Regina that she was terrified of getting up on a horse and riding one. She didn't tell Regina that the thought of it made her want to turn the car around and drive all the way back to New York City. Instead, she swallowed her fear and followed Regina to the stables, her eyes lingering on her ass in her riding pants that were tight and fit her like a glove. She had on riding boots that came up to her knees and wore a simple white t-shirt. She looked gorgeous and Emma could not take her eyes off of her, not even long enough for Regina to introduce her to the man that took care of her horses when she was away.

"Emma?" Regina chuckled softly as she placed a hand on Emma's tense shoulder. "As I was saying, this is David."

"Oh. Hi," Emma smiled as she reached out to shake his hand.

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