Chapter Thirty-One

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Just like she did every year, Regina hosted a large New Years Eve party at her home and just like every year, over a hundred people, friends, coworkers and their dates had shown up for the much talked about party. Two men, security guards, stood at each entrance, the front and back doors, making sure any uninvited guests didn't make it inside. Music filled the house, accompanying the chatter of guests. Regina smiled mostly to herself as the happy faces and laughter surrounded her like a warm embrace.

Since Christmas Day, Regina hadn't seen or spoken to her mother once. After telling Emma exactly what her mother was capable of, she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders from keeping the secret to herself for many years. But the burden was still very much there and the truth now at the front of her mind when she thought about her mother.

Emma had, however, managed to take her mind off of the burden they both now shared. Everything about their visit changed quickly the day after Christmas and it really, truly started to feel like Emma was home, there with her. It warmed her heart every time she just took a moment to look at Emma, whether when she was in the kitchen leaning against the island counter with a hot mug of coffee in her hands, blowing at it to take a sip, moaning quietly as she drank it down, or whether it was when Regina found her snuggled on the couch with Henry, watching him play with his new games.

The best part was when they were in bed together at night, especially those few nights they had just changed into comfortable pajama's and went straight to bed. Emma, on those nights, had been in bed first, usually with her glasses on and a book open as she waited for Regina to go through her nightly routine. Regina loved seeing her like that, especially when her hair was pulled into a loose bun and a few tendrils fell from the elastic to frame around her face. She especially loved crawling in to bed and slipping Emma's glasses off before they shared a passionate goodnight kiss.

Her favourite moments were when they woke up, Emma usually stirring first and holding her a little closer, her hand slipping under her pajama top, her palm splaying gently over her abdomen. It wasn't until that hand reached her breast that Regina would open her eyes and turn her head to kiss Emma good morning.

Regina had spent the entire day thinking that maybe tonight was the night, that maybe she would propose to Emma in front of all her guests, but as she prepared for the party and oversaw the staff she'd hired for the party, the caterers in the kitchen along with a handful of servers, the bartender who had set up a full fledged, fully stocked bar in the study, and the DJ who set up on a table in the foyer.

The one thing she was certain of, her mother would not show up for the party, just like she never did every year, calling the bash a clever ploy to keep herself known as the likeable Mayor. While that had been true in the past, this year was completely different and the guest list had doubled in size since the previous year.

"This is one hell of a party," Emma said into her ear, an arm slipping over her hips as she handed Regina a fresh glass of wine. "Do you seriously do this every year?"

"Yes, dear," Regina smiled at her. "Although there are far more people attending this year than ever before. I'm quite pleased with the turn out."

"Good thing you got a big house," Emma laughed and Regina could see her hesitantly keeping herself for leaning in for a kiss. Regina wasn't as hesitant, moving to kiss Emma firmly on her cheek and leaned back with a playful smile dancing over her lips.

Although only some of her closest friends and some people who had been at David and Mary Margaret's wedding knew about her and Emma, she was feeling far too happy to hold back from being close and affectionate with her. She had to keep things light, however, because she did have a reputation to uphold.

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