Chapter Thirty-Two

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Emma had been leaning against the tall table in the study, nursing a beer as the guests slowly started to leave, most of them too inebriated to drive home, so their cars were being left and they were either walking or took a taxi home. It was nearly two, but a third of the guests still remained and Emma wondered if Regina would end up kicking them out sooner rather than later.

Ruby all but stumbled across the study to where Emma was and she sighed heavily, draping an arm around Emma's shoulders and frowned. It wasn't surprising to see Kathryn coming in just a moment later, but she wasn't as unsteady on her feet as Ruby. The entire situation with Cora had sobered not just her and Regina, but it seemed to have done that to Kathryn as well.

"Are you okay, Em?"

"Have you seen Regina?"

"She's seeing guests off or something," Emma replied with a shrug and she slipped out from Ruby's arm and took a long sip of her beer. "Not sure if I'm okay either, Rubes," she said as she turned to look at her. "Did that really happen? Because, why yes, I know it happened, it just feels like some kind of a nightmare."

"Did they really arrest her?" Ruby asked and Kathryn shook her head no. "But they led her out of the house in handcuffs!"

"They did that because there was no other way she was leaving the house. Emma couldn't even keep a hold on her! She's slippery like a snake. David told me the security guards took her to her home and one of them stayed to make sure she didn't attempt to leave and come back here."

Emma was still furious that Cora had laid her hands on Regina, slapping her countless of times, each one harder than the last. When she last saw Regina almost half an hour ago, the left side of her cheek was still red and a little bit puffy, but Regina had insisted she was fine and that it didn't hurt at all. Emma knew she was lying, but let her off easy considering everything they had just been through with Cora.

Mary Margaret came in to the study, looking completely exhausted but she was smiling as she approached the table. "I put Henry to bed, Emma. I found him curled up on the couch, clutching his controller and completely passed out."

"Oh?" Emma looked over at her and managed a small smile. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that."

"I'm just considering it practice," Mary Margaret smiled as she placed a hand over her stomach. "I also came in to say goodbye. David and I are leaving in a few moments, he's just going to get the car from down the street."

One by one, Mary Margaret gave them each a hug and when she hugged Emma, she told her quietly that things were going to be a lot different for her and Regina now, but a good different and they would be able to move forward in their relationship from this point on.

Emma truly wanted to believe that and she did. Things were definitely going to be different, especially now that Regina had been outed as a lesbian to every single one of her guests. Emma wondered if that meant they no longer had to hide their relationship when they were out in town, especially since her mother was all too aware of the true nature of their relationship now. She doubted there'd be any rash displays of affection because when Regina was out in town, she was Mayor Mills in every way and form.

Sighing into her beer, Emma took another sip, barely noticing that Mary Margaret had already left and Kathryn was saying goodbye to Ruby, the two sharing a lingering kiss that was friendly and chaste. Emma raised an eyebrow and waited until Kathryn was out of the room before she nudged her best friend in the side.

"Why are you kissing Kathryn?"

"Em, can we talk about this after we've had some sleep?"

"Seriously, Ruby?"

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