Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Regina moaned as she pushed Emma back on the couch, repeating the motion with every attempt Emma made at trying to sit up. Regina felt as if her whole body was on fire and in desperate need to have her wife's hands on her, skin upon skin. She didn't think about how wrong it was to want to have sex with her wife on her best friend's couch, but then again Kathryn obviously hadn't let the fact that she and Emma were still there stop her from having sex with Ruby.

Emma, on the other hand, was hesitant at first, stopping her every time she tried to take things one step further. But after several attempts, Emma gave in to her advances. Regina was incredibly turned on, the wine making her arousal heightened to the max, and if she had been sober, she wouldn't have taken things any further than a kiss.

But she wasn't and she was fuelled by her own need, her own lust, fuelled by the sounds coming from upstairs. She slipped a thigh between Emma's, both of them moaning into each other's mouths as she ground her lower half against Emma.

"Regina, we can't," Emma moaned, her body saying otherwise.

"We can," she urged, gasping when Emma grabbed on to her ass and tried to still her rolling hips. "They are otherwise...preoccupied and all I can think about right now is—"

"Having your naughty way with me on Kathryn's couch?" Emma asked with a quirked eyebrow and she licked over her lips as she squeezed Regina's ass hard.

"When you put it that way..."

"Regina," Emma half cried out, half moaned, her body betraying her and she was giving in far too easily. "We're not getting naked down here," she murmured against Regina's lips, lips that kissed lazily over hers. "I'm serious."

"I know you are."

Regina's lips captured Emma's in a desperate kiss, the heat generating between them quickly. She could feel her panties dampening with every thrust against Emma's thigh and she craved her touch, so badly that she whimpered every time Emma's hands grasped hard at her ass, pulling her harder against the thigh firmly situated between her legs. She lifted her hips up a little ways, indicating exactly where she needed Emma's hands without a word.

Emma, despite her earlier protests, was intoxicated by her completely and her hands moved to unbutton her pants, one unhurriedly sliding inside, fingers expertly slipping under the edge of her panties and slicked over her wet, hot cunt. Regina moaned into her mouth, gasping as a wave of pleasure rolled through her at the insistent slide of Emma's fingers against her.

It never failed—Emma's touch—to turn her on incredibly beyond belief. It was one of many reasons why, save for those ten days that had just passed, they made love every night except on those nights Emma was menstruating and on those days, it was Emma giving her all the attention and affection, ten times over. And Emma always made her feel like she was complete, every single time without fail.

Regina gasped, her body rolling into Emma, her breath hitching in her chest as Emma's fingers slicked over her, teasing her. She shuddered when Emma deftly eased a finger inside of her and then added a second. She shuddered again when Emma grasped on to her left hand and guided it between her legs, both of their fingers pulling and tugging at the button and zipper of Emma's jeans before Regina slipped a hand inside, her fingers almost desperately sinking into her within the tight confines of her jeans.

With a soft chuckle, Regina's mind was filled with a flashback to many years ago, to one of the few parties they had attended that first summer after they'd met. This very moment had her recalling what it had been like in the beginning, when they had spent hours making out on a couch in a nearly empty room, how they had let things get as far as they had before they had somehow made it back to Regina's place and spent hours in bed together.

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