Chapter Fifty-One

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The day of the rehearsal dinner had approached quickly, far too quickly and not quick enough it had seemed. Earlier that morning, when Emma made a coffee run around ten just after a session with Dr. Hopper, she found the customers in the Diner buzzing about her and Regina's wedding. It brought a smile to her face because despite Regina once fearing what the people in town would think of her relationship with another woman, the people were wholly accepting and happy for them both.

By noon, Emma was practically bouncing off the walls, ready to get out of the station, watching the clock every few minutes as she tossed paper balls into the trash can by the doorway. Two minutes before noon, Emma was ready to bolt out the door, a small sheen of sweat forming in the small of her back as she paced in her office.

She barely even said goodbye to Booth and Ruby as she all but ran out of the station, hopping into the cruiser since her Bug was indefinitely out of commission. She was home in the record time of four minutes and twenty-five seconds. She had a certain spring in her step as she headed for the front door, swinging it open and immediately hearing the sounds of video games coming from the den.

After she checked in on Henry and Nicholas in the den, she headed upstairs to the bedroom to find the bedroom empty and the unmistakable sound of the shower running in the en suite. Emma grinned to herself and despite Henry and his friend just downstairs, she stripped out of her clothes as she headed for the partially open en suite door, stepping out of her panties before she nudged it open and caught sight of Regina's silhouette just beyond the steamy glass doors.

Emma stepped into the shower quietly, sliding her hands over the smooth expanse of Regina's bare wet back. She heard Regina hum as she leaned back into her touch, her head turning to meet her halfway for a languid kiss. Despite it being only midday, Emma felt as if she'd gone full day without seeing her, without touching her or kissing her despite the fact they had woken up an hour before the alarm went off and made love until it did.

She just couldn't get enough of her. She wanted to touch her, to kiss her every second that she could.

"The boys are downstairs," Regina murmured, yet she didn't stop Emma's wandering hands as they slid up her abdomen and cupped her breasts firmly.

"We'll be quick then," Emma whispered, her lips falling to the soft and warm skin of her neck, her right hand hurriedly trailing down her body to the apex of her thighs.

Regina moaned as Emma's fingers deftly slid between her folds, slipping over her firmly and fluidly. Regina shuddered under her bold and determined touch. There was no pausing to tease as her fingers circled over her clit quickly, eliciting breathy gasps and moans as Regina leaned back against her harder, her hands reaching around to grasp at Emma's body, one hand sinking into her hair, the other clutching at her hip.

Her body, ever so responsive to Emma's touch, arched as Emma sunk two fingers inside of her, her other hand pinching a hard nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She could feel her clit throbbing against her palm, her pussy tightening with every thrust. Her soft moans echoed throughout the shower stall, reverberating through Emma's body. Her fingers relentlessly thrust inside of her, not stilling until Regina moaned loudly, her hips twitching, her fingers grasping against Emma's hip and the nape of her neck as she came undone.

Emma felt dizzy as Regina suddenly turned in her arms and kissed her senselessly as she backed her up against the cool tiles. She wanted nothing more than for Regina to sink to her knees, to lick her into oblivion, but Regina had other ideas as her hand slipped between her thighs, her fingers slicking over her cunt possessively.

"Fuck," Emma gasped, Regina wasting no time at all in thrusting two fingers inside of her, adding a third as Emma wrapped a leg around her hip, opening herself up more for her. "Gina, baby—"

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