Chapter Fifty-Three

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The night went on flawlessly and Emma had been watching just how much she was drinking, not wanting to go home and pass out before she and Regina could make love for the first time as wives. Regina on the other hand, seemed to be drinking far too much and after the mother/son dance they both shared with Henry, Emma tried to cut her off. An hour after that, Regina was back to drinking again, but not pounding back the glasses of wine as she had been earlier.

At least in the last hour, Emma hadn't seen Cora Mills anywhere in the ballroom and that provided a little bit of relief in its own. The reception was starting to wind down and soon the two would be leaving together in their own personal limousine, coincidentally the same driver from the other night. They shared one last dance together, gently swaying, arms around each other in a warm, loving embrace. Regina hadn't even stopped her as she had been all night when Emma's hands slipped over her ass and pulled her even closer against her.

As the clock struck midnight, they said goodbye to a very sleepy Henry, Granny, Ruby, and Kathryn privately before making a passing gesture at the other guests before they were followed out to the waiting limo. Emma shooed the driver away and opened the door for her wife, smiling at her before climbing inside after her.

They fell into a slow, passionate kiss before the limo even pulled away from the front entrance. Regina had already warned her about not wrinkling her dress earlier when they'd been in the tent immediately following the ceremony. Emma was just content in kissing her wife, knowing that once they were home and the dress was off and hung, she could have her way with Regina then.

"Mmm, Emma," Regina moaned as she grabbed on to the front of Emma's shirt, her jacket left behind at the table but she didn't care in that moment. "I can't wait to get home."

"Me neither, babe."

"No, I can't wait until we get back home."

"But you said you'd probably make me sleep on the couch for a week if I wrinkled your dress."

"I never said anything about me, did I?" Regina asked, looking through her lashes at Emma before pulling her in for a crushing kiss. As much as Emma didn't want to, she stopped her before her hands could unbutton her pants.

"Gina, I know it's been a long day for us and god, I want nothing more than to feel you against me, but I want to wait until we're home and in our bed. I want our first time on our wedding night to be special."

"Oh, darling," Regina frowned as she cupped her face. "I'm sorry. I want it to be special too. Perhaps I had a little too much to drink tonight. The wine did taste a little weak."

"You aren't gonna pass out on me are you?"

"No, darling, I will not," Regina tittered, her fingers trailing over her skin, following the V in her dress shirt until it ended just above her cleavage. Emma's eyes looked down as Regina unbuttoned one and then two more buttons, revealing the white lace bra she wore underneath. As the limo hit a bump in the road, Regina's fingers slipped under the soft lace, easily finding a hardening nipple. "Will it always be this way?"


"Even when we're old and being all gross together?" Regina chuckled, her breath hitching in her chest as Emma's did when she rolled a hardening nipple between her fingers. Emma moaned with her touch, wishing they were home and in their bedroom and not in the back of the limousine in that moment. "Our son has such a way with words, does he not?"

"In his way, he does."

"I cannot wait to grow old with you, my love."

"Will it always be just like this?"

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