Chapter Thirty-Three

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Regina had paced the bedroom floor for hours after Emma had left. She tried to keep herself busy, first by changing all of the sheets on the beds and pillows and putting on a few loads of laundry. That kept her busy for a few hours, but once the sheets were all folded and put away, she found herself in the study, pacing as she sipped from a glass of cider in front of the fireplace.

It hit her then that this was all wrong, that she should've asked Emma to marry her on New Years Day. She started growing anxious and she placed the glass on her desk and picked up her cell phone. Emma had texted her, telling her they'd made it home safely and that she already missed her like crazy. Regina smiled, texting her back to say goodnight before heading to bed herself.

Her bed felt far too empty without Emma, far to big, far too cold and she had a hard time falling asleep that night and for the next couple of night's after that. Sunday night she was pacing in front of the fireplace in her study, a pile of papers she had to complete before Monday sat forgotten and untouched. Emma had been gone for four days and it felt far longer than that and it was also the first weekend they didn't meet up at their apartment in Boston since they'd just spent the last two weeks together and Emma wanted to spend some time with Henry before school started back up again.

Of course Regina didn't make an issue out of it, there was no reason to, but with every hour that passed without Emma there with her, the heavier that feeling in her heart felt, the feeling of being lonely and wanting nothing more than to have Emma there with her. For two weeks her house was filled with laughter and the silence now was deafening. She hated that feeling, she hated how empty and quiet her house was and how it didn't feel like home now that Emma wasn't there. It was just after midnight when she called the airport to book a ticket on the earliest flight out to New York City.

She was on the road within half an hour of making the call, the ring inside the box and securely inside her jacket pocket. She made it to Logan International Airport with a half an hour to spare before take off. She walked quickly through the airport and picked up her purchased ticket before making her way through security. Dragging her carry-on behind her, she barely made it to her gate in time and she let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding once she was in her seat.

The flight wasn't long at all, but it felt like it took forever for the plane to land in New York City. By the time she stepped off the plane, it was just after six in the morning. It took her ages to hail a cab and even longer to arrive at Emma's building almost an hour later. She paid the driver before climbing out and pulling out her carry-on with her. She inhaled deeply as she looked up at the old building and strolled up to the front door.

It was just her luck that a man came out and held the door open for her. She wanted this to be a surprise and hadn't thought that far ahead as to what she would do to get in Emma's building without buzzing her or Ruby to get inside. Dilemma solved, she headed up the stairs, her stomach twisting nervously until she reached Emma's floor and that feeling was gone, replaced with pure confidence and determination.

Regina knocked on the door frantically, her heart racing as she heard the door unlock. Emma stood there in the open doorway a second later wearing only a white tank top and red panties and she held a steaming mug of coffee in her left hand. Her mouth gaped open as it registered just who was standing there in front of her.

"Regina, what are you—"

"Emma, I can't let you walk away from me like that ever again," Regina said as she stood there, unmoving. "I don't want to watch you drive away like that ever again."

"I don't—"

"I don't want to wait a week to see you, I don't want to spend hours on the phone with you every night, I don't want to be your girlfriend anymore," Regina said and the look of fear quickly fell upon Emma's otherwise shocked face and she shook her head and wet her lips. "I don't want that because I can't bear to be without you, Emma. I want to wake up next to you every morning, I want to fall asleep next to you every night. I want to be more than just your girlfriend, Emma. I want to be your wife."

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