Chapter Thirty-Four

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The news of Emma Swan's engagement had made the rounds in her department long before she handed in her resignation letter to the Chief. Two weeks was what she'd given him in the letter, giving herself two weeks to pack up the apartment and figure out just what the hell she was going to do with almost all her furniture.

After a rather emotional visit to the Chief's office, Emma returned to her desk to find a bouquet of flowers on her desk. Plucking the card out of the neatly arranged flowers, she read the congratulations card signed by every officer in her department, including the Chief himself. Not allowing herself to cry, since the guys were hard-asses and never showed any signs of affection or friendship, she tucked the card inside her bag and sat down in her chair, leaning back to admire the bouquet in front of her.

"Swan!" Killian Jones laughed, slapping her desk and startling her. "It is true then, is it, love? You're really leaving us?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Yes, Jones, I'm really leaving. Bet you're happy about that, huh?"

"Not really," he drawled. "Who else am I going to owe favours too and vice versa?"

"You could try Booth."

"Nah," Killian shrugged it off and ignored the look that Emma shot him as he sat on the edge of her desk. "She makes you happy then, I gather?"

"More than you'll ever know."

Killian laughed hard at that, standing and adjusting his belt. "For what it counts, you'll be missed around here, Swan."

"I'll miss all you idiots too," Emma laughed. "Not too much, but enough that I'll probably end up inviting all you idiots to the wedding."

"And when is that gonna be, love?"

"I have no idea. I have Booth getting me addresses so I can mail the invitations," she said and she paused for a moment, thinking before rising from her chair. "Make sure he gets yours too, okay?"

"He's going to need a new partner, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is. Make sure it's not some rookie. We all know Booth needs someone to watch his back, not the other way around."

"The least I can do for you, Swan," Killian grinned and not for one second did Emma forget all the times he had tried to pursue her, his feeble attempts not even worth reporting him to HR for workplace harassment. In the end, he was harmless and his attempts had stopped as soon as she'd returned in September. "Heading out?"

"One last patrol for the day."

"Your woman waiting for you at home?"

"Sadly, no, she went back to Maine this morning."


"Swan!" Booth yelled out as he rushed out to her desk. "Domestic disturbance call just came in. We've gotta go now!"

"Backup needed?"


"I'm on it," Killian said and he followed the two of them out of the building, each of them climbing into separate cruisers, Emma with August Booth and Killian on his own behind them.

"Hey, is he bothering you again, Em?" Booth asked as he gunned it down the street, siren wailing. "I'll break his fucking hand if he's pulling the moves on you again."

"Relax," Emma laughed. "He wasn't making the moves on me again, August. We were just talking. Where did the disturbance call come from?"

"Elias and Annie Smith. Again."

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