Chapter Thirty-Six

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By the end of her second day of working for the Sheriff of Storybrooke, an uneventful one at that, Emma already had a pretty solid idea just how her life in Storybrooke would be when it came to work. The highlight of her second day was responding to an intruder call and she was able to meet the infamous Mrs. Mays. The intruder in question had been a stray cat looking for warmth under her front porch and Emma had spent the better part of an hour trying to coax the thing out under Mrs. Mays careful supervision.

The second highlight of her day had been Regina's spontaneous visit to the station to drop off some paperwork for Graham. Emma watched her and Graham talk in his office and she leaned a little too far back in her chair just trying to catch sight of Regina's taut ass in the tight pencil skirt she was wearing. It ended up with her on the floor with Regina trying in vain not to laugh from Graham's office. When she offered to see her out to her car, she ended up in a corner just off the entrance, kissing her for a solid ten minutes before she let her go.

Graham, like everyone in town, of course knew about her relationship and engagement to Regina. He had been red-faced when she returned to her desk, her lips kiss-swollen and her hair mussed despite her attempts to tame the slight curls. Regina always did like to grab her hair, slide her fingers through and hold on tight. By the time five rolled around, Emma had leapt from her chair and all but said goodbye to Graham before heading home for the weekend.

Small town life actually agreed with her so far and she loved how in just the short ride home, the people out and about that she drove past would wave and smile at her. She knew Henry was doing a lot better than he initially thought he would, already making fast friends with most of the kids in his fourth grade class.

The instant she walked through the door she was greeted by the smell of lasagna cooking in the kitchen and the sounds of Henry playing his Xbox in the den. After pulling off her boots, jacket and beanie, placing them in the closet to avoid another one of Regina's looks when she didn't, she found Regina in the study and sitting at her desk, flipping through a few papers that were piled in front of her.

"Hey," Emma smiled and she leaned down to kiss Regina, pulling back after a moment before leaning up against her desk. "You're still working?"

"Yes, darling. Just a few things I need to catch up on. I'm nearly done."

"Dinner smells good."

"Henry asked if I could make lasagna tonight," Regina said with a smile. "It'll be ready shortly."

"Do I got time to shower?"

Regina quickly signed her name on the bottom of the sheet of paper in front of her before glancing at the dainty watch on her wrist. "About fifteen minutes."

Emma smiled, ducking her head down to swiftly kiss Regina on the cheek. She headed upstairs after checking in on Henry in the den, his attention solely on the game he was playing, barely answering her when she asked him if he'd finished his homework. After checking for herself and finding the homework he'd been assigned had been completed, she headed upstairs to have a quick shower, the fluffy white towel already folded on top of the vanity in the en suite for her.

The fact that she was living such a domesticated life had dawned on her that morning. She didn't mind it at all because she was living this life with Regina and she was happy, truly happy. She showered and dressed quickly, plucking her ring from the small little dish on the dresser and sliding it on, not realizing how much she missed the feel of it until she had it back on. Regina had asked her not to wear it to work in case it slipped off or was damaged. She'd asked her to do that while she was still in New York, but most days she'd forgotten to take it off and she sure as hell wasn't going to tell her that.

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