Chapter Twenty-Four

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Regina grinned at her reflection in the mirror and for the third and final time she carefully applied the deep red lipstick to her lips, pausing to look at Emma buttoning up the blouse carefully—for the third time as well. They had tried and failed to get ready for the rehearsal dinner for over an hour and this time Regina had been serious when she told Emma that they most definitely didn't have time for another quickie, as Emma had so eloquently worded it.

"Seriously, you're wearing that?" Emma asked and Regina nodded, puckering her lips together as she placed the cap back on the tube of lipstick. "How the hell am I going to get through tonight when you're wearing that?"

That, in question, was a black lacy dress, the satin underneath a deep purple, matched to the same purple blouse that Emma wore and paired with purple pumps with five inch heels. Emma's blouse was paired with a tight pair of slacks, ones that Regina knew the instant she'd laid her eyes on them in the store, just how good Emma's ass would look in them and she too wore heels, black heels she'd wobbled on a little before finding her footing after a few trips around the bedroom.

"Hmm, is there something wrong with what I'm wearing, darling?"

"It's short."


"And tight," Emma continued as she stalked her way over to Regina as she stood in front of her vanity, watching Emma in the reflection of the mirror. "And I know for a fact that you are not wearing anything under it. Fuck."

"I don't want any lines showing."

"Plus," Emma said as she wrapped her arms around her from behind, smiling as Regina's hands landed on top of her own. "We totally match, Gina."

"Subtly," Regina chuckled with a shake of her head and she turned in Emma's arms, immediately placing a finger over her lips to keep her from starting something they most definitely did not have time for. "You should go and make sure Henry is ready. I just need to pop down to the wine cellar and grab a bottle or two."

Emma nodded, but not before managing to sneak a quick kiss to Regina's cheek before they both walked out of the master bedroom, Emma heading down to the guest bedroom Henry would be staying in that weekend while Regina headed downstairs and into the basement.

The rehearsal dinner was to be rather low-key and quaint, taking place on the Nolan farm and inside a tent set up in the yard to the rear of the house. The guest list wasn't massive, not on the grand scale of things, just under a hundred people. People Regina could trust not to spread word back to her mother that she'd brought a woman as her date. While she had planned not to announce her relationship with the beautiful blonde woman, she wasn't going to blatantly hide her affections for her either.

This night wasn't about her. It was about David and Mary Margaret. She could respect that, but she did know that the people there would be more than just a little surprised to see her arrive with a woman of course, but it was definitely something she had told herself she'd just need to get used to. Kathryn had convinced her of that much, making a rather valid point that she could not steal away with a private relationship with someone who affected her so deeply for much longer anyway.

To say she was a little bit nervous was a severe understatement, but she needed to go through with this. Emma had driven eight hours just to be here this weekend for David and Mary Margaret's wedding after all. After scanning over the selection of wine in the cellar, she grabbed two bottles of twenty year merlot, one of her father's favourites when he'd been alive and she quickly made her way back upstairs just as Emma and Henry came down the stairs together.

"My, aren't you handsome, " Regina smiled down at Emma's son. "Purple seems to be a theme for tonight," she chuckled as she pointed to his bow-tie and Henry flashed a toothy grin at her, one she only just realized she had grown to miss.

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