Chapter Thirty-Five

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Regina smiled as the alarm went off a quarter to seven and all she could feel was Emma's warm body against her back. Every day for the last seven days had been so perfect and every morning they woke up just like this. She reached over to turn off the alarm, smiling wider as Emma mumbled into her shoulders sleepily.

"Morning, darling."


"Emma?" Regina laughed as she turned in Emma's arms. Regina watched as she turned to bury her face in the pillow and she tried not to laugh at how adorable Emma looked doing that. "We have to get up, sweetheart."

"Too early."

"No," Regina chuckled as she ran her hands over her back. "It's not too early and besides, today is your first day."

Emma groaned as she turned to look at Regina. "I know. I think I spoiled myself sleeping in past seven for the last week."

Emma leaned forward, capturing Regina's lips for their usual morning kiss, both smiling as they all but melted into one another. Regina loved this feeling, the feeling of love surrounding her all the time, every day and every night. She loved how her house felt like a home again now that Emma and Henry were there to stay. Her bed didn't feel cold or empty anymore either and the house was filled with laughter and love every single day.

"Mmm, good morning," Emma smiled sleepily at her, kissing her once more before sliding out of the bed. "What time am I supposed to be at the station again?"

"Nine, dear," Regina replied easily. "We're going to the Diner for breakfast this morning, don't forget. We promised Henry we would."

"I know."

She could help but watch Emma as she stripped out of her panties and tank top on her way to the en suite so she could have a shower. As tempting as it was for Regina to want to join her, and she had for a few days, but neither of them could be late this morning, not when she had meetings and it was Emma's first day as a Deputy at the Sheriff's station.

"I'm going to go downstairs and put the coffee on," she called out before pulling on her grey robe and slipping out of the bedroom, just barely catching Emma's murmured reply.

Regina was not surprised to find Henry already awake and dressed and sitting at the island counter with a glass of orange juice and a bowl of dry cereal in front of him. He had been awfully quiet all week and Emma had insisted he as fine, he was just getting used to the move and the changes he'd been through in the last week.

"Good morning, Henry."

"Morning," he replied, not lifting his eyes from his bowl of dry cereal to look at her.

"Did you forget that we're going out for breakfast this morning, Henry?"

"No, but I was too hungry to wait that long. I didn't have too much and there's no milk in it, see?" Henry said, pointing to the bowl.

"You're just a growing boy who has an endless stomach," Regina chuckled quietly.

"Mom says so," he shrugged and Regina caught the smallest of smiles pass over his lips before he forced it away. "Regina?"

"Yes, dear?"

"How come your mom hates that you and my mom are together?"

"She just doesn't understand that we're in love with each other, Henry."


Regina sighed softly, wondering if Emma should be having this talk with him instead. With a shake of her head, she cleared her throat, knowing she had to word things very carefully for Henry to understand. "It's because my mother doesn't believe that it is right for two women to have the kind of relationship that your mother and I have," Regina said and she paused, watching Henry as he raised a lone eyebrow. "She is not a God-fearing woman, but she still believes for it to be a sin."

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