Chapter Forty-Seven

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Emma started seeing Dr. Hopper on the regular after she made that phone call, every day for an hour, sometimes two. Regina had been proud of her for stepping up, for seeking out help, of course, and she made sure she had time to pick Emma up and take her to her appointments, always waiting for her when she walked out of Dr. Hopper's office with a smile on her face despite the puffiness around Emma's eyes every single time. By the end of the second week, she was feeling better, physically, but her emotional scars were slowly being healed as well.

She had barely noticed the fact that it had been seven weeks since that fateful day until she was alone in the house one morning, staring at the scar in the mirror, tracing over it lightly, not feeling that dull ache as she had just days before. She had her daily appointment with Dr. Hopper in less than an hour and after that she had an appointment with Dr. Whale.

The last three weeks had been so emotionally draining, more so than the weeks before that. Vinnie taking the shot at her, realizing that if she hadn't dropped her shirt and would be dead, had triggered those nightmares and she still wasn't entire sure why. Maybe it was the realization that she was almost killed, that she could've taken a bullet to her head. Maybe it was the fear that it struck inside of her, especially when she'd seen the lifeless, bloody body on the walkway.

There was one thing that had changed and that was after her talk with Nurse Doris, they had started to wean her off of the morphine at night. The sessions with Dr. Hopper helped too and the nightmares crept into her dreams far less with every night that passed. She was sleeping better and she could tell that Regina was as well, the dark circles under her eyes no longer hidden by heavy makeup as they slowly started to disappear. Things were starting to feel a lot different overall and it was a good feeling.

Life was slowly starting to get back to normal and Emma hoped that after today, she'd be cleared and her many restrictions she'd been following were going to be lifted completely. God, she hoped so because that ache between her legs was bordering on driving her crazy and Regina had threatened to sleep in one of the guest rooms if Emma didn't stop trying to touch her at night. She'd taken out her frustration on Dr. Hopper near the end of their sessions, ranting on and on about how hard it was to not be able to have sex at all.

It usually left him red-faced and flustered, but he tried to assure her that it wouldn't be very much longer before she could partake in such activities. He always reminded her of the breathing exercise he had her following, one that would keep her calm in any situation that she found herself in. Even though it'd only been two weeks, every time she started doing that breathing exercise while she and Regina were in bed, Regina usually left the room completely, knowing exactly what she needed and that was time and space so that she could will away those sexual urges, at least enough that she wouldn't try to touch her or herself throughout the night.

She had started to dream of just how explosive it'd be when they were together again for the first time in almost two months. Those dreams were not helping her keep her libido in check at all and if she wasn't cleared for physical activity today, she was going to most definitely go completely and utterly insane.

"Emma?" Regina called out from downstairs. "Are you upstairs?"

"Yeah," Emma called out as she walked out of the en suite and grabbed a tank top from the drawer, throwing it on over top of her bright green bra. "How come you're home so early? I don't have to go for another hour."

Regina shrugged as she stood in the open doorway. "I thought maybe we could go out for breakfast, if you haven't already eaten, that is."

"I'd love to," Emma smiled, moving across the bedroom floor swiftly. She wrapped her arms around Regina and kissed her softly. "You kind of just snuck out of here this morning."

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