Chapter 12: Lesson Learned

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"You'll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in." - Mandy Hale

Even though Cyler protested consistently Bulma bought any outfit she saw fit. She was walking around the mall alone and could imagine Cyler in all the bright pretty collars. "But," Bulma sighed begrudgingly, "She'd never wear any of these. She's more a tomboy I guess. Geez I'm better off buying clothes for Trunks." A goofy grin slowly etched across her perfect skin. "That's it! Why didn't I think of this earlier?"


So she was lost. Completely and utterly lost in this hell hole called the mall. The thing is though, Cyler didn't mind. This gave her time to think, to brood. That girl, the one that bumped into her really pushed her patience. She wanted to kill her, but she thought about how Vegeta would react to that. No he wouldn't care that she killed some harpy; he'd be angry that in was in the vicinity of his unborn child and his woman. God he was such a wuss for her. That woman was definitely his weakness. She has no power at all, yet she has him in the palm of her well manicured hand.

How could the woman even function with such long nails in the way? Although, Cyler thought, it would be a nice way to stab someone in the eyes. Cyler was staring down at her tattered nails. They looked like they had been through a war. Actually they had, three to be exact. Cyler smirked to herself.

The smell of food caught the young saiyan's attention and that was it. She hustled through the crowds accidentally knocking people over on purpose. "Hey watch out," one man groaned while nearly being tossed to the ground. She giggled to herself. Some man that was.

Cyler had arrived at the food court. From what she saw, she was confused why Bulma hadn't taken her there to begin with. The delicacies of Earth were quite enchanting. The smell of grease and fried foods made her stomach growl. Cyler approached a pizza stand. "A Piza Pizza," she read out loud while making her way in front of the long line for the vendor. "What a strange thing to call food," She said while squatting a bit to get a better look at the triangular edible.

Her concentration was broken by a lady tapping her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, little girl, but my son and I have been waiting in line for ten minutes. And I refuse to let you jump in front of me like that. So if you would just-" The woman was cut off by a sharp pain. Cyler had flicked her finger off of her shoulder and was now eyeing her with rage.

"Don't you ever... In all of you pathetic life... Touch me!" The woman who was once tough nearly shrunk at the booming voice coming from such a small girl.

"B...but we've been waiting-"

"Wait some more."

Cyler jumped on top of the glass that held the displays and then jumped behind the counter. "Whoa whoa, little Missy! Get to the back of the line," the man who owned the establishment ordered. He looked very hairy everywhere except for his bald head.

"I don't think you know who you're talking to," Cyler smirked with an evil glitter in her black eyes.


"I absolutely can not believe you Cyler! You destroyed the entire food court! How in all of Kami's green Earth am I supposed to explain this one to the press?!" Bulma's usual pale skin was beet red. She was pacing back and forth in the living room while Cyler sat in the couch looking less than interested in her chastising.

"Tell them whatever you please, woman."

Bulma's eye twitched and she took a deep breath. Being so worked up was definitely not good for her baby. She began doing the breathing exercises her doula taught her. There was only one way to make this work out for her. "You leave me with no choice," Bulma sighed dramatically. Cyler raised an eyebrow at her. "I'll have to tell Vegeta about this." Cyler jumped up out of her seat and rushed over to Bulma. Her eyes were frantic.

"You don't have to that woman!"

"Oh... But I do. You don't seem to care at all about all the damage you cost! You even broke a woman's finger for Kami's sake. I have so much damage control to do. You'll have to be under constant super vision. The only person I know who can do that is Vegeta..." Cyler sunk to her knees in defeat; her head hung low. "Unless..."


"You go to school."

The young warrior instantly regained her rigid demeanor. She stood up and began walking away quickly. She waved a hand at Bulma dismissively, "Certainly not. Tell my brother, I will face my punishment head on." Bulma was now the frantic one.

"No no no! You have to! You lost the bet by default! Also didn't you learn about pizza and got to get a bit stronger from fighting!"

"Fighting? Please don't make me laugh. Those weaklings gave me all the pizzas without even a second glance, " Cyler boasted with a smug look.

" T... Then why did you blow it up?!"

"To assert dominance," she shrugged, "But nevertheless I am a princess of my word. And I technically lost this useless wager. So I will go to school. And I will assert my dominance there as well," Cyler said nonchalantly before walking away.

Poor girl, Bulma thought while sitting in the couch, she has no idea how hellish school actually is. She then propped her feet up and turned on the television.

"Tonight on City City Tonight... A crazed pizza fanatic destroys a beloved food vendor! And she's a little girl? Stay turned for the carnage!"

Bulma rubbed her temples. What she wouldn't give to be able to drunk right now.


I know I know... This took forever. Well getting ready for college was very stressful... Sorry! Thanks for reading and voting!

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