Chapter 3: Princess of Nothing

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"I am royalty and deserve to be treated as such. I am spoiled and I am rotten but don't throw me out. I am a princess where no kingdom exists. I am the princess of nothing."- Princess of Nothing by KrissyNGoten.

((Cyler is pronounced as "Sigh-Ler."))

Vegeta's feet touched the back yard of Capsule Corp first. She's following me, he growled mentally. Well, isn't she supposed to be doing that, his inner self replied. He snarled deep within his chest, He would hit himself if there weren't other people around to ask questions. That's what he hated the most about this, there were so many questions. Not just his either, everyone else wanted answers and he had none.

With his fist balled he started walking with greater haste, he was on a mission. First he desired to know if that girl was truly Saiyan, let alone a royal. But he also wanted to know if somehow they were related and if they were how in the hell was she eight. If there was one thing Vegeta hated more than a liar it was truth that made no sense. The only logical way he could be related to her was if she was the eldest. But by the looks of things he was most definitely older than her.

Cyler observed the back yard with sparking interest. In her time she'd been to plenty of planets, in which she was the strongest and most feared being to step foot on it. The way it seemed to her, Saiyans were fierce warriors who killed everything in their path. Most of the life forms on any planet cowered at the mention of her race. But in this back yard, no one shivered or even quaked at her presence. Cyler pushed it aside as the fact that they were used to Saiyans, but if that was true shouldn't they be even more frightened of her. She glanced at the back of Vegeta's head, maybe he was a weakling.

Cyler noticed how Vegeta's steps were quickening and decided it was in her best interest to keep up. "Brother," she began softly.

No answer.

"Brother, I have a question." She was a little louder this time.


Cyler growled throatily, "Brother!" Her tail bristled and stood on end. Everyone, even those who still sat at the picnic tables wondering who she was, were silenced. Vegeta stopped as well; turning to what he presumed was a young girl with mental issues. No one raised their voice to him unless they had a death wish. He gave her a quick once over, the scowl on her chubby but defined face made him smirk. Wasn't one long lost sibling enough and why did they have to be so weak. He knew he must've taken all the good genes from Tarble but if they were truly related, she'd be the eldest, she had no excuse.

If my father truly sent her away because of what this letter says, he glanced quickly at the browning letter in his right palm, I'm almost positive it had something to do with her weakness as well. She would have been a disgrace.

"Don't call me brother," Vegeta practically spat the last word. "Only my family addresses me as anything other than Vegeta." He broke her, he knew he did. The way her fistd shook in tiny little balls, she had to be crying... pathetic.

"Why shouldn't I call you whatever the hell I want!" Cyler's head darted up; flashing anger in her dark eyes. "I am a princess, same as you are prince." She eyed the others over, "And not much of one if this is your company."

It was on thing to claim to be a princess but to mock him, a true prince, was another.

"Fine," Vegeta ground out through clenched teeth. "Let's say are a princess," His right hand moved in a circular motion to show his hypothetic meaning. "But of what?"

Uh-oh, Trunks thought, now she's going get it.

"Have you ever in your strange little life seen another Saiyan, besides Kakarott and me?" He circled around Cyler predatorily. "Do you even know what you are, really? You have no idea what my race was!"

Cyler had had enough, brother or not, he was being a total ass. "I was never given a chance to know, so don't act all high and mighty. Anyway if I'm the princess of nothing...that makes you the prince of the like." In a split second Cyler was off the ground and felt constricted around her neck.

Vegeta could have killed her right there. Snap her neck and problem solved. But the look of terror on the young girl's face made him loosen his grip, slightly. "Cyler, was it?" He asked, his voice teeming with killing intent. "Even if we are siblings you're still as low class as Kakarott to me."

He let go of her tiny neck that was now bruised to purple. She instinctively put her hands up to her injury, soothing it slowly. Nothing more was said by the two as Cyler sluggishly pulled herself to her feet.

Vegeta turned his back to her ignoring the disapproving glares from the other Z fighters. She might not have been as easy to handle as Tarble but easy none the less.

"Trunks you're coming too." Vegeta barked, "As for the rest of you, stay out of my way."

((A/N: Thanks to my commenters! you ROCK!))

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